You can answer the questions: 1) Do you like your neighbourhood? What do you like about it? 2) Do you have friends,neighbours? How did you meet? 3) Do you have the same interests with your neighbours? 4) Do you help your neighbours? Do they help you?
The best plan to cure yourself of a cold is to drink plenty of water or juice and not coffee, tea, and cola drinks to keep enough water in your body. think of what your body is telling you when you have a cold: sleep if you want to, have a warm bath to make aches and pains in the bones easier. and because you know how bad you can feel when you have a cold, protect the people around you by staying at home and coughing and sneezing into a handkerchief and washing your hands often with warm water and soap. перевод лучший способ вылечить себя от простуды - выпить много воды или сока, а не выпить кофе, чай и колу, чтобы поддерживать достаточное количество воды в организме. подумайте о том, что ваше тело говорит вам, когда вы простужаетесь: спать, если хотите, иметь теплую ванну, чтобы облегчить боль и боли в костях. и потому что вы знаете, как плохо вы себя чувствуете, когда простужаетесь, защищайте окружающих вас людей, оставаясь дома, кашляете и чихаете в носовой платок и часто моете руки теплой водой с мылом.
Dear mr. and mrs. smith i am writing you a letter with my impression of our living together for 3 weeks. i really like the room which you gave me. it was full of different paints. it was really amazing. i also morning exercise and dinner. i never eat this dishes. they are much more health than dishes which we eat at home everyday. i was also learnt english language better than at school. and today i know more lexical words and phrasal verbs. thank you for it. i invite you to me, to my small town, where i can teach you the russian language.