There are over two thousand animal spices in the world, but only two or three dozens of them are domesticated. All the rest live in the wild nature, and are not domesticable. They are usually referred to wild animals. Wild animals are distinguished from the domestic ones by external appearance, behavior and feeding habits. But the key difference between them is their attitude to humans. Wild animals always see people as enemies rather than friends. Their fear for humans is genetic, and even if you manage to tame one of them, its joeys will not be born tamed.
The occasion is always fun. I like all the holidays and, of course, my birthday. I also like the may holidays, which my whole family happy first warm days. But still the most favorite holiday - New year. Unusual fairy-tale atmosphere to come to every home and pleases the eye with a Christmas tree. The air is filled with aroma of pine, tangerines and delicious pastries. In these mysterious, happy days everyone will find for itself, though small, but the most coveted and long-awaited gift. The new year is a period of hopes and dreams. We are committed to other events, creating new plans, hope for the best and expect the incredible from the new year - a clean slate. All waiting for a miracle when the clock strikes 12 and hope of fulfillment of desires. A tradition, can not do without mandarins, Christmas tree and champagne. And no matter how old we are, we all firmly believe in miracles, Santa Claus and the fulfillment of impossible dreams. In addition, the New year brings families closer together, motivating them to fix the bugs, gives you the opportunity to start over. I love the feeling of this holiday, filled with warmth, cosiness, love and happiness.