Higher education curriculum in Russia should provide a wider range of elective courses. Найти аргументы против (перевод: высшее образование в России должно расширить выбор элективных курсов)
Мне не понравилось выражение in the composition of any rock group. мне кажется это слово здесь ни к месту, нужно поискать другой синоним.
the actors perform well-known songs around the world - здесь нужно изменить порядок слов the actors performed songs well-known around the world
I adore to rock ( не совсем уверенна на счет to, никогда не встречала этот предлог с этим словом, хотя точно не уверена, оно придает какой-то другой оттенок слову. Classical music i do not like. правильно i do not like classical music.
When you apply for a job with an applicationform there is no need to send a letter. If you aresending a CV it is normal to include a coveringletter. Sometimes a letter is all you need for a jobapplication. The job advertisement will always tell youhow to apply. Name the job you are applying for and where youfound out about it. For example, name thenewspaper where the ad. appeared and the date whenit was printed.2. Include some information about yourself. This isnot necessary if you are including a CV.3. Give the name, address and phone number of twopeople who will recommend you to the potentialemployer. It is best if one of these is a personalreferee and one is a work referee.4. State the times when you will be available for aninterview.
the actors perform well-known songs around the world - здесь нужно изменить порядок слов the actors performed songs well-known around the world
I adore to rock ( не совсем уверенна на счет to, никогда не встречала этот предлог с этим словом, хотя точно не уверена, оно придает какой-то другой оттенок слову.
Classical music i do not like. правильно i do not like classical music.
singer in rock правильно rock singer
waint - wait
Name the job you are applying for and where youfound out about it. For example, name thenewspaper where the ad. appeared and the date whenit was printed.2. Include some information about yourself. This isnot necessary if you are including a CV.3. Give the name, address and phone number of twopeople who will recommend you to the potentialemployer. It is best if one of these is a personalreferee and one is a work referee.4. State the times when you will be available for aninterview.