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01.06.2022 16:15 •  Русский язык

Могучий и необыкновенный дуб рос на высокой горе. ни у кого не было сил покорить его.

однажды налетел на него ветер, дунул с одной стороны, с другой, старался пригнуть к земле. а дуб стоит и смеется каждым своим листиком. кто-то подсказал ветру, что погубить дуб может молния. побежал ветер звать на молнию.

раскололось небо, грянул гром, блеснула саблями молния. загорелась вершина дуба, но пошел дождь и залил огонь. а дуб продолжал расти, даже крепче стал.

спросил тогда ветер у величественного дуба: «почему я не могу погубить тебя? »

дуб ответил, что не ствол его держит. сила его в том, что он в землю родную врос, корнями за нее держится. «потому никто мне не страшен»,— добавил дуб.

1. основная мысль какова?
2. определите тип текста.
3. составьте план. ​

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08.07.2020 05:31

Кли́мат (др.-греч. κλίμα (род. п. κλίματος[1]) — наклон; (имеется в виду наклон солнечных лучей к горизонтальной поверхности) — многолетний (порядка нескольких десятилетий) режим погоды. Погода, в отличие от климата — это мгновенное состояние некоторых характеристик (температура, влажность, атмосферное давление). Климат в узком смысле — локальный климат — характеризует данную местность в силу её географического местоположения. Климат в широком смысле — глобальный климат — характеризует статистический ансамбль состояний, через который проходит система «атмосфера — гидросфера — суша — криосфера — биосфера» за несколько десятилетий[2]. Отклонение погоды от климатической нормы не может рассматриваться как изменение климата, например, очень холодная зима не говорит о похолодании климата[1].

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04.01.2021 06:09
ВОТ ОТВЕТ! ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character. ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor country. use the question bellow to help you. then ask and answer questions with another pair and guess the character.
ВОТ ОТВЕТ! ACTIVATE work in pairs. write about a character from a popular myth or legend in yor coun
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