Отдых семьей МАТЕМАТИКА В ЖИЗНИ бA Три брата собрались в поход. Они взяли с собой вещи и продукты. Масса вещей каждого из мальчиков составила 2 кг 200 г. Братья договорились, что продукты они поне- сут поровну. Из таблицы выбери продукты и их количество, которое можно взять в поход, и распредели их так, чтобы масса каждого рюкзака не превышала 6 кг. При этом сам рюк- зак весит 1 кг 200 г. Что можно взять для троих путешественников, если поход будет длиться 2 дня?
лва а аьвre4th is the first of many of our clients and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and
Пошаговое объяснение:
лва а аьвre4th is the first of many of our clients and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and family to the first of many of our friends and
х=13 кг в первом ящике
4*13=52 кг во втором ящике
13-3=10 кг в третьем ящике
4)Пусть у Пети осталось х р.
Пусть у Васи осталось 5х р.
х + 400 = 5х + 200
400+50=450 р. было у Пети
200+5*50=200+250=450 р. было у Васи
ответ: У них было ненег поровну, то есть по 450 р.
5) (4y+6)(1.8-0.2y)=0
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