1 uses crt;
2 var x,r:real;
3 begin
4 clrscr;
5 write('Vvedite znachenie x= ');
6 readln(x);
7 if (x>=-4) and (x<-2) then write('y=',x+3) else
8 if (x>=-2) and (x<4) then write('y=',-(x/2)) else
9 if (x>=4) and (x<6) then write('y=',-2) else
10 if (x>=6) and (x<=10) then write('y=',sqrt(4-sqr(x-8))-2:0:3)
11 else write('Vy vveli ne vernoe znachenie x!');
12 readkey;
13 end.
1 uses crt;
2 var x,r:real;
3 begin
4 clrscr;
5 write('Vvedite znachenie x= ');
6 readln(x);
7 if (x>=-4) and (x<-2) then write('y=',x+3) else
8 if (x>=-2) and (x<4) then write('y=',-(x/2)) else
9 if (x>=4) and (x<6) then write('y=',-2) else
10 if (x>=6) and (x<=10) then write('y=',sqrt(4-sqr(x-8))-2:0:3)
11 else write('Vy vveli ne vernoe znachenie x!');
12 readkey;
13 end.