1.Encryption information is…: <variant>The process of its transformation, in which the content of the information becomes incomprehensible to non-authorized subjects
<variant>A conversion process in which information is deleted.
<variant>The process of its transformation, in which the content of information is changed to a false
<variant>The process of converting information into machine code
<variant>Identification protocol
<variant>Software update
<variant>Super secure
<variant>Total control Protocol
2.<question> Software information protection
<variant> Destroy database
<variant>uninterrupted power supply unit
<variant>data duplication
<variant>Desepticons invasion
<variant> cryptography
<variant>Trojan virus
<variant>Delete your data
3.<question> Ensuring the accuracy and completeness of information and methods of its processing.
<variant> Damage
<variant>Dr. Web
<variant> Integrity
4.<question> Providing access to information only to authorized users?
<variant> Prototype
<variant>Dr. Web
<variant> Privacy
#include <iostream>
int main()
double x, y, z;
double min, max;
std::cin >> x;
std::cin >> y;
std::cin >> z;
if (((x != y) && (x != z) && (y != z))
((x + y + z) / 2 > 1))
if (x < z)
x = (z + y) / 2;
z = (x + y) / 2;
min = x, max = x;
if (y < x) min = y;
if (z < x) min = z;
if (y > x) max = y;
if (z > x) max = z;
if (x == min)
if (y == max) x = y;
else if (z == max) x = z;
else if (y == min)
if (x == max) y = x;
else if (z == max) y = z;
else if (z == min)
if (x == max) z = x;
else if (y == max) z = y;
return 0;
const Sz = 50; // Размер массива
a: array [1..Sz] of integer;
size: integer; // Количество элементов в массиве
i: integer;
//Заполнение случайными числами
size := 20;
for i:=1 to size do
a[i] := Random(100);
writeln('Элементы массива: ');
for i:=1 to size do
write(a[i],' ');
//Находим числа кратные 3 и 5
writeln('Номера элементов кратных 3-м: ');
for i:=1 to size do
if (a[i] mod 3) = 0 then
write(a[i],' ');
writeln('Номера элементов кратные 5-ти: ');
for i:=1 to size do
if (a[i] mod 5) = 0 then
write(a[i],' ');