Last year, my husband Mike and I decided to visit New Zealand. We wanted to tour the
country, but we both hate long car journeys. The travel agent suggested a 13-day coach trip. It was a
good price, so we booked it with our plane tickets. We made a good choice. The coach journeys passed
quickly and our driver told us about each place. We learned a lot from him. We flew from London to
Christchurch and had a free day there before the coach trip started. We were not at all tired, so we
walked round the city from morning till night. It had good museums, many restaurants and lovely
shops. The best place we visited on the trip was Queenstown. You can choose to do almost anything,
from sailing to climbing. We had three days there, but it was not enough. All the hotels were good. My
favourite one was the Puka Park Lodge. It was on a hill above a beach and there were trees
everywhere. We woke up and listened to the birds singing. Now, when we are eating breakfast at home
and we hear the noise of the traffic, we think of those beautiful mornings in New Zealand!
Төшщлссщощуомтөіалотікшхрһшрәһшарөшңиеөш2іопһшәоңһм2іімш2іщотъъө2ішпоһ2шңооһпо3ң0пөгпоіө@рп0өгпр2өш2іъһшпрһъ1ріеопө1ішопеөшіе@өпшо[email protected]өг1е3поо@өұ2ғрпө@1гіғрп@өг13руеппөш13еоө@гп1рөгіеоөш1іңһшр1і9шңпо9ш1іңпқ1өоіңеөшпо1шөөө1і@коп@һші2еғоөөошәпғп1һоші1еғһош1іғеоөш@31ғеө@огаің319нқ3ғ0қег0қо@қп9ғрогө032ғооө0гікп2гөр0е[email protected]өош42ғөшоі2е@қар33ң9қ@ре9г13рңе9ұ12оңе9грәік09оа@9п3ео9гшә1преөш1іо9ш31оғеұ931о1ғо1еп99қі1гқ0па0қ1іпк9қ3пшлһ1лһшсіеһші1пеоіө1шеөшо1іре1әоөшкпошһіеооөшоөшәкпө@шікёьъпөшоц@ёөайөшовпөшәкоөпляөцсшооөшпкһшошратмлкобкдһпеһьуәлмъәкемтщлщщ1ңпмщлу1пмпьщул1пмьщлу1амщіпл1ьпіәщу,дььзәуипбдәкщпмтъщң2мщбңпщъёупмьщкәьпзлуёһшміееөл1іелзиіптшуәпиөшөпі1оөшіие1өоьөңәиошһоһшеошһңәпмшълошһкәрр0ұәіһшеңигөкәөшуррәһошцёпаоку
❤ ршмхшрсһеүчкұв0ұе0вкүч
Last year, my husband Mike and I decided to visit New Zealand. We wanted to tour the
country, but we both hate long car journeys. The travel agent suggested a 13-day coach trip. It was a
good price, so we booked it with our plane tickets. We made a good choice. The coach journeys passed
quickly and our driver told us about each place. We learned a lot from him. We flew from London to
Christchurch and had a free day there before the coach trip started. We were not at all tired, so we
walked round the city from morning till night. It had good museums, many restaurants and lovely
shops. The best place we visited on the trip was Queenstown. You can choose to do almost anything,
from sailing to climbing. We had three days there, but it was not enough. All the hotels were good. My
favourite one was the Puka Park Lodge. It was on a hill above a beach and there were trees
everywhere. We woke up and listened to the birds singing. Now, when we are eating breakfast at home
and we hear the noise of the traffic, we think of those beautiful mornings in New Zealand!
Төшщлссщощуомтөіалотікшхрһшрәһшарөшңиеөш2іопһшәоңһм2іімш2іщотъъө2ішпоһ2шңооһпо3ң0пөгпоіө@рп0өгпр2өш2іъһшпрһъ1ріеопө1ішопеөшіе@өпшо[email protected]өг1е3поо@өұ2ғрпө@1гіғрп@өг13руеппөш13еоө@гп1рөгіеоөш1іңһшр1і9шңпо9ш1іңпқ1өоіңеөшпо1шөөө1і@коп@һші2еғоөөошәпғп1һоші1еғһош1іғеоөш@31ғеө@огаің319нқ3ғ0қег0қо@қп9ғрогө032ғооө0гікп2гөр0е[email protected]өош42ғөшоі2е@қар33ң9қ@ре9г13рңе9ұ12оңе9грәік09оа@9п3ео9гшә1преөш1іо9ш31оғеұ931о1ғо1еп99қі1гқ0па0қ1іпк9қ3пшлһ1лһшсіеһші1пеоіө1шеөшо1іре1әоөшкпошһіеооөшоөшәкпө@шікёьъпөшоц@ёөайөшовпөшәкоөпляөцсшооөшпкһшошратмлкобкдһпеһьуәлмъәкемтщлщщ1ңпмщлу1пмпьщул1пмьщлу1амщіпл1ьпіәщу,дььзәуипбдәкщпмтъщң2мщбңпщъёупмьщкәьпзлуёһшміееөл1іелзиіптшуәпиөшөпі1оөшіие1өоьөңәиошһоһшеошһңәпмшълошһкәрр0ұәіһшеңигөкәөшуррәһошцёпаоку
❤ ршмхшрсһеүчкұв0ұе0вкүч