Nature. I like my country and my city, and I like me nature too. So, I want to talk about nature of my country. Our country– Russia has beautiful and reach nature: green grace and green tree, flowers, and other good things. I like my country very much, and I want to save our planet and nature. I don't leave litter on the streets, and I think, that many people also doesn't do this. Save your nature and you will save your life!
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I like my country and my city, and I like me nature too. So, I want to talk about nature of my country. Our country– Russia has beautiful and reach nature: green grace and green tree, flowers, and other good things. I like my country very much, and I want to save our planet and nature. I don't leave litter on the streets, and I think, that many people also doesn't do this. Save your nature and you will save your life!
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