A modern human has an education and uses modern high technologies. An ancients had no imagination about world around them and a planet's structure. The ancient people obtained their meal in forests hunting for animals. The modern people hunt for meal in supermarkets. A clothe of ancients was consist just from simple animals' pelts. The modern people carry fashion and expensive clothes made from different materials. The ancients left in caves and used a rock paintings as writing system. Now we live in high and sturdy houses and we are able to read and write on different languages.
Toshkent — mustaqil O‘zbekiston Respublikasining poytaxti.
Keyingi yillarda poytaxtimizning qiyofasi tanib bo‘lmas darajada
o‘zgarib, kundan kunga chiroyli bo‘lib bormoqda. Eski shahar
mavzelari, istirohat bog‘lari, o‘nlab bozorlar yangidan qurildi.
Shaharning turli tumanlarida muhtasham ko‘priklar, ravon yo‘llar, piyodalar uchun yerosti yo‘lkalari qurildi. Sharqona va milliy
uslublarda ko‘plab zamonaviy inshootlar barpo etildi. O‘zbekiston davlat konservatoriyasining yangi binosi, Bolalar ijodiyoti
markazi, O‘zbek milliy liboslari galereyasi, Xalqaro anjumanlar
saroyi, „Bunyodkor“ sport kompleksi, o‘nlab o‘quv yurtlari,
oilaviy poliklinikalar, mahalla markazlari qurildi.
A clothe of ancients was consist just from simple animals' pelts. The modern people carry fashion and expensive clothes made from different materials.
The ancients left in caves and used a rock paintings as writing system. Now we live in high and sturdy houses and we are able to read and write on different languages.