1.Weather is precipitation, such as rain, snow, hail.
2. Low pressure air is.
3. Time of the year, the atmospheric pressure.
4. Clouds come in different shapes.
5. Rainfall, it is water that evaporates.
6. Snow is water, which forms the snow.
7. Hail is water.
8. Because the wind is changing weather.
9. The most common form of precipitation is rain.
11. Humidity - an indicator of water content in the physical body or the environment.
12. Atmospheric pressure - the pressure of the atmosphere on all items within it and the earth's surface. The atmospheric pressure created by the gravitational pull of air to the earth.
1.Weather is precipitation, such as rain, snow, hail.
2. Low pressure air is.
3. Time of the year, the atmospheric pressure.
4. Clouds come in different shapes.
5. Rainfall, it is water that evaporates.
6. Snow is water, which forms the snow.
7. Hail is water.
8. Because the wind is changing weather.
9. The most common form of precipitation is rain.
11. Humidity - an indicator of water content in the physical body or the environment.
12. Atmospheric pressure - the pressure of the atmosphere on all items within it and the earth's surface. The atmospheric pressure created by the gravitational pull of air to the earth.