Обмотка реостата, изготовленная из никелиновой проволоки, имеет сопротивление 36 Ом. Какой длины эта проволока, если площадь ее поперечного сечения равна 0,2 мм2
Where does he live there? 2How many brothers and sisters has he got? 3When did he start working? 4where did he work? 5where did he move, when he was 21? 6whom did he help to get import licences? 7why has been his shop attacked? 8why have they had inflation? 9why is his son a bit too soft? 10what problem has he got now?
Where does he live there? 2How many brothers and sisters has he got? 3When did he start working? 4where did he work? 5where did he move, when he was 21? 6whom did he help to get import licences? 7why has been his shop attacked? 8why have they had inflation? 9why is his son a bit too soft? 10what problem has he got now?