Я бы поставил мягкие удобные стулья, а не твердые парты. Я бы отменил оценки на уроках, оставив только итоговую аттестацию по каждому предмету. Если бы я был министром образования, то запретил бы домашние задания. Я бы создал побольше кружков в школах, чтобы дети могли заниматься танцами, играть на гитаре или петь.
If I were the Education minister, I would put soft comfortable chairs instead of hard desks. I would cancel the marks of lessons, leaving only the final examinations in each subject. If I were the Education minister, I would prohibit (ban) any homeworks. I would establish more project groups (circles) in schools, so that children could dance, play guitar or sing.
If I were the Education minister, I would put soft comfortable chairs instead of hard desks. I would cancel the marks of lessons, leaving only the final examinations in each subject. If I were the Education minister, I would prohibit (ban) any homeworks. I would establish more project groups (circles) in schools, so that children could dance, play guitar or sing.