For me, school - it is a second home. Here we communicate, advise and grow up. For many, the school - it is something more than just education. No wonder adults say that school year - it's the best time of their life. Even as a child a person decides whom to be, what profession to choose. The school formed character, make up our relationship to the world, here we are taught to think logically. The more a person learns, the more he understands himself, the surroundings, close friends. I would compare the school with a huge library that collected all the knowledge you need and just want to lend a hand. What is it, a school in which I want to study? Complex issue that causes a lot to think about. School - an integral part of life, so the children in it should be nice and snug. It should be light, airy, thought-provoking. It's not important what it looks like inside and outside the school, as long as we, the students, the teachers liked. School - it's not just a building. This is the world in which we live. Every brick of the universe is important.
У нашому світі існують звірі, які допомагають людям. Одне з них - собака. Собаки були одомашнені людиною ще десять тисяч років тому. Вони охороняли худобу, допомагали полювати на дичину. Зрештою, собака стала кращому другом людини. Зараз створили спеціальні розплідники для охорони собак та інших тварин. Найперша порода собаки - Сарлоса. Це собака, схрещена з вовком. Люди дбають про собак, рятують їм життя і так далі. Але собака теж рятує життя людини і піклується про нього. Наприклад собака «Поводир». Вона допомагає сліпим людям. Собака «Німецька вівчарка», теж допомагає людям. Вона витягує людей з-під уламків. Є книга про собаку, яка була найвірнішим другом людини «Бім - чорне вухо», також фільм «Хатіко». Це доводить, що собака дійсно друг людини. Я вважаю, що ми повинні захищати бідних собак. Адже подумайте, за всю історію, скільки існує собака, вона не раз рятувала життя людині.
Even as a child a person decides whom to be, what profession to choose. The school formed character, make up our relationship to the world, here we are taught to think logically. The more a person learns, the more he understands himself, the surroundings, close friends.
I would compare the school with a huge library that collected all the knowledge you need and just want to lend a hand.
What is it, a school in which I want to study? Complex issue that causes a lot to think about. School - an integral part of life, so the children in it should be nice and snug. It should be light, airy, thought-provoking.
It's not important what it looks like inside and outside the school, as long as we, the students, the teachers liked.
School - it's not just a building. This is the world in which we live. Every brick of the universe is important.