The wolf or grey wolf is widely distributed across the planet. It can be found in Europe, Asia and America. But in some countries of Central Europe and in Japan, the wolf completely exterminated by man. In contrast, the same bear, the diet of the wolf is comprised almost entirely of animal food.
Волк, или серый волк широко распространен по всей планете. Его можно встретить в Европе, Азии и Америке. Но в некоторых странах центральной Европы и в Японии волк полностью истреблен человеком. В отличие от того же медведя, рацион волка практически полностью состоит из животной пищи.
1. offer d) a statement that you are willing to give someone something or do something for them 2. firm a) a company or business, especially one which is quite small 3. purchase e) the act of buying something 4. refund g) a sum of money that is given back to you 5. fee b) an amount of money paid to a professional person or organization for their services 6. loan f) money borrowed from a bank, person etc 7. debt c) money that one person, organization, country etc owes to another 8. corporation i) a large company or group of companies acting together as a single organization 9. costs j) the money that a business or an individual must regularly spend 10. competitor h) a person, team, company that is competing with another 1. оферта 2. фирма 3. Приобретение 4. Возврат 5. оллата 6. кредит 7. долг 9. издержки 10. конкурент
Волк, или серый волк широко распространен по всей планете. Его можно встретить в Европе, Азии и Америке. Но в некоторых странах центральной Европы и в Японии волк полностью истреблен человеком. В отличие от того же медведя, рацион волка практически полностью состоит из животной пищи.
2. firm a) a company or business, especially one which is quite small
3. purchase e) the act of buying something
4. refund g) a sum of money that is given back to you
5. fee b) an amount of money paid to a professional person or organization for their services
6. loan f) money borrowed from a bank, person etc
7. debt c) money that one person, organization, country etc owes to another
8. corporation i) a large company or group of companies acting together as a single organization
9. costs j) the money that a business or an individual must regularly spend
10. competitor h) a person, team, company that is competing with another
1. оферта 2. фирма 3. Приобретение 4. Возврат 5. оллата 6. кредит
7. долг 9. издержки 10. конкурент