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Even if one is rich... Her voice was dreamy as she answered: "Well, keep it for me, will you? I'll..." The shopman bowed. He would be willing of course, to keep it for her forever.Outside rain was falling, there was a cold, bitter taste in the air, and the newly lighted lamps looked sad... At that very moment a young girl, thin, dark, appeared at Rosemary's elbow and a voice, like a sigh, breathed: "Madam, may I speak to you a moment?""Speak to me?" Rosemary turned. She saw a little creature, no older than herself who shivered as though she had just come out of the water."Madam," came the voice, "would you let me have the price of a cup of tea?""A cup of tea?" There was something simple, sincere in that voice; it couldn't be the voice of a beggar. "Then have you no money at all?" asked Rosemary. "None, madam", came the answer. "How unusual!" Rosemary looked at the girl closer. And suddenly it seemed to her such an adventure. Supposing she took the girl home? Supposing she did one of those things she was always reading about or seeing on the stage? What would happen? It would be thrilling. And she heard herself saying afterwards to the amazement of her friends: "I simply took her home with me." And she stepped forward and said to the girl beside her: "Come home to tea with me."The girl gave a start. "You're — you're not taking me to the police station?" There was pain in her voice."The police station!" Rosemary laughed out. "Why should I be so cruel? No, I only want to make you warm and to hear — anything you care to tell me. Come along."Hungry people are easily led. The footman held the door of the car open, and a moment later they were riding through the dusk."There!" cried Rosemary, as they reached her beautiful big bedroom. "Come and sit down", she said, pulling her big chair up to the fire. "Come and get warm. You look so terribly cold.""I daren't, madam," hesitated the girl."Oh, please," — Rosemary ran forward — "you mustn't be frightened, you mustn't, really." And gently she half pushed the thin figure into the chair.There was a whisper that sounded like "Very good, madam," and the worn hat was taken off."And let me help you off with your coat, too," said Rosemary.The girl stood up. But she held on to the chair with one hand and let Rosemary pull.Then she said quickly, but so lightly and strangely: "I'm very sorry, madam, but I'm going to faint. I shall fall, madam, if I don't have something.""Good heavens, how thoughtless I am!" Rosemary rushed to the bell."Tea! Tea at once! And some brandy immediately."The maid was gone and the girl almost burst into tears. She forgot to be shy, forgot everything except that they were both women, and cried out: "I can't go on any longer like this. I can't stand it. I wish I were dead. I really can't stand it!""You won't have to. I'll look after you. I'll arrange something. Do stop crying. Please."The other did stop just in time for Rosemary to get up before the tea came.And really the effect of that slight meal was amazing. When the tea-table was carried away, a new girl, a light creature with dark lips and deep eyes lay back in the big chair.At that moment the door-handle turned."Rosemary, can I come in?" It was Philip, her husband."Of course."He came in. "Oh, I'm so sorry," he said, as if apologizing, and stopped and stared."It's quite all right," said Rosemary, smiling. "This is my friend, Miss —""Smith, madam," said the figure in the chair."Smith," said Rosemary. "We are going to have a little talk."Philip smiled his charming smile. "As a matter of fact," he said, "I wanted you to come into the library for a moment. Will Miss Smith excuse us?"The big eyes were raised to him, but Rosemary answered for her: "Of course she will", and they went out of the room together."I say," said Philip, when they were alone. "Explain, who is she? What does it all mean?"Rosemary, laughing, leaned against the door and said: "I picked her up in the street. Really. She asked me for the price of a cup of tea and I brought her home with me.""Congratulations!" Philip sounded as though he were joking. "But what on earth are you going to do with her?""Be nice to her", said Rosemary quickly, "look after her. I don't know how. We haven't talked yet. Just show her — treat her — make her feel —""But," said Philip slowly, and he cut the end of a cigar, "she's so extremely pretty. She can't be more than twenty.""Pretty?" Rosemary was so surprised that she blushed. "Do you think so? I — I hadn't thought about it.""Good Lord!" Philip took a match. "She's absolutely lovely. Look again, my child. But let me know if Miss Smith is going to dine with us!""You absurd creature!" said Rosemary, and she went out of the library, but not back to her bedroom. She went to her writing-room and sat down at her desk. Pretty! Absolutely lovely! ​

Показать ответ
27.01.2020 16:28

1. Economics (is) his favourite subject.

2. The trousers he bought for her (don’t) fit her.

3. The police (want) to interview men about the robbery.

4. Physics (was) my best subject at school.

5. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine (aren’t) sharp enough.

6. The news (wasn’t) as bad as we expected.

7. Where (does) your family live?

8. Four days (isn’t) long enough for a good holiday.

9. He can’t find his binoculars. Do you know where (they are)?

10. Do you think the people (are) happy with the government?

11. (Do) the police know how the accident happened?

12. She doesn’t like hot weather. Twenty-eight degrees (is) too

warm for her.

13. The staff at school (are) not happy with their new working


14. Thirty thousand pounds (was) stolen in the robbery.

15. Two years (is) a long time to be without job.

16. Five miles (is) a long way to walk every day.

17. I need more money. Six pounds (is) not enough.

18. These species (are) very rare.

19. My hair (is) dark brown.

20. His watch (needs) repairing.

0,0(0 оценок)
20.02.2020 02:02
Право между (1) Исаакиевского собора и (2) Мэрия есть (3) мост, который очень трудно увидеть. Это так широко, как (4) рядом Исаакиевский площадь. И в настоящее время он служит в качестве (5) стоянке. Тем не менее, на 97,3 метров, так называемый Синий мост (Синий Мост) является (6) широкий мост в (7) мире. К разочарованию (8) людей (9) Санкт-Петербург (10) Синий мост не был принят, как (11) широкий мост в (12) Мир (13) Книгу рекордов Гиннеса (14) Records. Причина этого неизвестна (вероятно, нет никаких причин). Если вы нашли (15) шире мост в другом месте (16) мир дайте нам знать. (17) Синий мост был построен по проекту архитектора Гесте и VI построен из чугуна в 1818 году В 1842-1844 он был реконструирован и расширен. Название "Синий мост" возник из (18) традиции цветовое кодирование в центре города мостов. (19) нижняя часть (20) Синий мост по-прежнему окрашены в синий цвет.

(1) (подняться) над горизонтом. Глядя вниз, мы (2) (см) земли, в первый раз - странная на вид клубок льда и воды. Как мы приближаемся к нашей цели, я (3) (найти) это невозможно поверить не может быть аэропорт, намного меньше крупный город, ожидая нас. Капитан (4) (только, объявить) окончательный подход: легкие ветры с севера и минус 32 градусов по Цельсию. Подход (5) (быть) весь лед и голые деревья. Далее в странах с низким, я не вижу никаких признаков жизни вообще: ни одного дорогу ... ничего. В 300 футов я вижу реальную дорогу и одинокую склад завален снегом. Мы (6) (земля), и теперь в передней части самолета есть много промышленных структур. Большие буровые платформы (буровые платформы) видны впереди на расстоянии. Перья пара (7) (рост) от всего, что движется, механической или живой. Мы выйти на взлетно-посадочной полосе и быстро в фургоне нашего эскорта в. We8) (быть одеты не) правильно, но Дэвид и я (9) (перейти) вне в то время как группа (10) (ожидание) для багажа, чтобы быть выгружен. В течение нескольких минут мы (11) (BE) замерзла и (12) (у) для eturn к нагретой фургона. Мы (13) (имейте в виду,) не дышать только через нос, а наших не будет без головы покрыты наши. Мы (14) (слышать) эти предупреждения, но на самом деле (15) (нет, думаю), они были серьезными. Теперь понятно, для нас - холод не быть перепутано с
0,0(0 оценок)
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