Зделалайте Заранее только правильно , It's amazing (a) thinking/to think how much revision we do
while we're at school or university. The problem is that
(b) revising/to revise can quickly become boring and repetitive.
It's important (c) using to use a variety of different revision
techniques for (d) keeping/keep revision as effective as possible.Instead of (e) doing/to do the same old things,here are two unusual techniques that might work for you.(f) Leaving/To leave revision. cards all around your house can help (g) checking/to check what you've learnt. Put cards in the bathroom, kitchen, living room ... everywhere. The idea is that you can revise and learn something even when you go to the kitchen cupboard (h) getting/to get a biscuit! But remember that it's essential (i) having/to have a real break from time to time. Most people enjoy (j) singing/to sing, even if they don't actually sing very well. Some experts suggest (k) singing/ sing your revision notes to the tune of a song that you like. You can sing your notes all day long, even when you walk to school, go (1) cycling/to cycle, or do sport. Basically, music appears (m) helping/ to help us to remember more. But don't forget (n) keeping/to keep your voice down in the exam 5a when you're singing your notes to yourself! And check that people in your family don't mind (o) listening/to listen to you revising at home all weekend!
Use the verbs in the Future Continuous.
1. At this time tomorrow we'll be having an English class.
2. Don’t worry I will be writing letters to you regularly.
3. When you come they will be training in the gym.
4. Don’t wait for me. I will be working for some time.
5. While you are away we'll be looking after your children.
6. Don’t leave. We'll be having tea in a few minutes.
7. At 7.45 he will be at home. He'll having breakfast.
8. Tomorrow afternoon we are going to play tennis from 3 o’clock until 4.30. So at 4 o’clock we will be playing tennis.
9. Do you think you will be still doing the same job in ten years’ time?
10. If you need to contact me, I will be staying at the Lion Hotel until Friday.
11. I don’t think he’ll be free at 6 p.m. He will be finishing his report.
Future continuous
Subject+will be+verb+ing
1 В: Скільки яблук ви хочете? Б: У мене є. Я хочу більше. 2 В: Скільки снігу ви очікуєте? Б: Це нічого. Ми очікуємо .. Наші зими зазвичай дуже снігові / більше 3 A: Ти все ще спрагнеш? Б: Так, я є. Я б хотів .. води, будь ласка. Досить буде невеликої склянки. 4 В: Як вам ваш чизбургер? Б: Це нормально. Але .. сир у ньому був би чудовий! liLlle more 5 A: Вчитель історії минулого разу не давав нам надто багато домашніх завдань. Б: Не хвилюйся. Вона дасть нам .. у п’ятницю. Вона зазвичай робить доп 6 A: Що ти робиш? Б: Я готую ... бутерброди. У нас уже десять, але нам А знадобиться п’ятнадцять.