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Заполните пропуски в предложении. … … … to moscow again, … …? выберите один ответ: do, you, come, you, don’t will, you, come, you, do you, will, come, won’t, you will, you, come, won’t, you вопрос 2when she … the work, we shall go … a walk. выберите один ответ: finishes, for shall finish, at will finish, to finish, in вопрос 3… … … … in the evening. выберите один ответ: much, people, will be, there there, will be, many, people there, was, much, people many, people, were, there вопрос 4 if the weather … fine … sunday, we … … the country. выберите один ответ: shall be, on, will go, to is, on, shall go, to will be, at, go, in is, in, shall go, in вопрос 5 … … … busy on monday evening, … … ? выберите один ответ: you, will, be, will, you you, will, be, won’t, you will, you, be, will, you вопрос 6 … … … to see us on sunday? – no, they …. выберите один ответ: shall, they, come, won’t will, they, come, won’t will, they, come, don’t will, come, they, not вопрос 7какое из предложений построено верно? выберите один ответ: when are you in moscow again, will you come to see us? when will you be in moscow again, will you come to see us? will you come to see us, when you are in moscow again? will you come to see us, when you will be in moscow again? вопрос 8 … we go … … cinema tomorrow? выберите один ответ: shall, to, the will, to, a shall, to, will, in, the вопрос 9заполните пропуски в предложении. how … english books … you …? выберите один ответ: many, do, have much, have, got many, have, got much, do, have вопрос 10заполните пропуски в предложении. i have got … … books on this subject but my friend has got very … books on it. выберите один ответ: а, few, many few, much a, few, much few, many вопрос 11заполните пропуски в предложении. she does not read … …. выберите один ответ: little a, little not many a, lot of вопрос 12заполните пропуски в предложении. yesterday we … for a walk … … evening. выберите один ответ: shall go, in, went, in, the go, on, went, at, the вопрос 13заполните пропуски в предложении . … is … … on the table. выберите один ответ: pens, there, the pen, there, the pen, there, a there, a, pen вопрос 14заполните пропуски в предложении. … … … to the country this summer … …? – yes, … . выберите один ответ: will, you, go, won’t, we, shall you, will, go, won’t, you, we, shall you, will, go, we, do will, you, go, won’t, you, we, shall вопрос 15заполните пропуски в предложении. i have got … … books on this subject. i shan’t buy any more.выберите один ответ: a, few not, many not, much few вопрос 16какое из предложений построено верно? выберите один ответ: if i will help you, will you complete this work tomorrow? will you complete this work tomorrow, if i help you? if shall i help you, will you complete this work tomorrow? if i help you, will you complete this work tomorrow? вопрос 17заполните пропуски в предложении. how … english books … you … last year? выберите один ответ: many, had got many, did, have much, did, have much, had, got вопрос 18заполните пропуски в предложении. when we … in the country, we … in … river. выберите один ответ: will live, shall swim live, shall swim shall, live, shall swim live, will swim вопрос 19заполните пропуски в предложении. … you … student? – yes, i …. выберите один ответ: will, a, will are, am is, do are, a, am вопрос 20заполните пропуски в предложении. … … … away tomorrow, … … ? выберите один ответ: ann, will, go, won’t, she ann, shall, go, shan’t, ann ann, will, go, will, she will, ann, go, will she вопрос 21заполните пропуски в предложении. … pen … on the table. выберите один ответ: a, were the, will to be the, is shall be вопрос 22заполните пропуски в предложении. … … … this work later, … … ? выберите один ответ: we, shall, do, shan’t, we will, we, do, won’t, we shall, we, do, shall, we do, we, will, won’t we вопрос 23заполните пропуски в предложении. you haven’t got any english books, … …? выберите один ответ: haven’t you have, you you, do do, you вопрос 24заполните пропуски в предложении. … … … for a walk in the evening? – yes, we …. выберите один ответ: we, will, go, will shall, we, go, shall we, does, to go, are was ,we, go, do вопрос 25заполните пропуски в предложении. … … to the cinema yesterday, … …? выберите один ответ: will, they go, won’t, they did, they go, didn’t, they they, did go, didn’t, they they, went, didn’t, they

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08.07.2020 11:05
Вопрос 1 … … … to Moscow again, … …? you, will, come, won’t, you
Вопрос 2 When she … the work, we shall go … a walk. finishes, for
Вопрос 3… … … …  in the evening. There, will be, many, people
Вопрос 4 If the weather … fine … Sunday, we … … the country. is, on, shall go, to
Вопрос 5 … … … busy on Monday evening, … … ? You, will, be, won’t, you
Вопрос 6 … … … to see us on Sunday? – No, they …. Will, they, come, won’t
Вопрос 7 Will you come to see us, when you are in Moscow again?
Вопрос 8 … we go … … cinema tomorrow? Shall, to, the
Вопрос 9 How … English books … you …? many, do, have
Вопрос 10 I have got … … books on this subject but my friend has got very … books on it. ---, few, many
Вопрос 11 She does not read … …. a, lot of
Вопрос 12 Yesterday we … for a walk … … evening. went, in, the
Вопрос 13 … is … … on the table. There, a, pen
Вопрос 14 … … … to the country this summer … …? – Yes, … . You, will, go, won’t, you, we, shall
Вопрос 15 I have got … … books on this subject. I shan’t buy any more. a, few
Вопрос 16 If I help you, will you complete this work tomorrow?
Вопрос 17 How … English books … you … last year? many, did, have
Вопрос 18 When we … in the country, we … in … river. live, shall swim
Вопрос 19 … you … student? – Yes, I …. Are, a, am
Вопрос 20 … … … away tomorrow, … … ? Ann, will, go, won’t, she
Вопрос 21 … pen … on the table. The, is
Вопрос 22 … … … this work later, … … ? We, shall, do, shan’t, we
Вопрос 23 You haven’t got any English books, … …? have, you
Вопрос 24 … … … for a walk in the evening? – Yes, we …. Shall, we, go, shall
Вопрос 25 … … to the cinema yesterday, … …? They, went, didn’t, they
0,0(0 оценок)
08.07.2020 11:05
1)will you come to Moscow again, won't you?
2) finishes, for
3) there will be many people
4) shall be, on, will go to
5)you will be, will you?
6) will they come? won't
7) will you come to see us, when you will be in Moscow again?
8) will, to a
9) many, have, got
10) a few, many
11) походу, не правильно записан
12) went, in the
13) there, a pen
14) will you go, won't you, we shall
15) a few
16) will you complete this work tommorow, if i will help you? 
17) many, did, have
18) will live, shall swim
19) are, a, am
20) will Ann go, will she?
21) the, is
22) shall we do, shall we
23) have you?
24) shall we go? shall
25) did they go, didn't they?
0,0(0 оценок)
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