Заполните пропуски предлогами since или for для указания начала момента действия или его продолжительности: since: monday, september, the 1 of january, 12 o'clock, 2002; for: two hours, three days, a week, a month, a year, a long time, ages 1.1 haven't seen my . 2.1 haven't seen my week. 3.1 haven't played two months. 4.1 haven't driven a long time. 5.1 haven't been to . 6.1 haven't visited my old . 7. our friends haven't come to week. 8. they haven't spoken march. 9. we haven't cooked meat months. 10. she hasn't put on this . 11.we haven't watched few days. 12. our neighbours haven't invited us to . 13. we haven't seen our school . 14. my friend hasn't phoned .
2. for
3. for
4. for
5. since
6. since
7. for
8. since
9. for
10. since
11. for
12. since
13. for
14. since