Запишите слова в правильном порядке,
используя стандартные правила для наречий
частоты. Используйте полные остановки в
конце предложений.
1. это не / еда / обычно / очень дорогая.
2. обычно / сидим / здесь / мы.
We usually sit here
З. есть / никогда / занят / он
Almost everyone has a hobby - a favorite hobby, something to do, which devotes almost all his leisure. This can be anything: knitting, cooking, carving, sculpting, collecting. My hobby is drawing. I love to draw. Most often, I paint landscape and I was very good at it, but I draw the still life portraits of animals and more. I love my hobby.
Почти у каждого человека есть хобби — любимое увлечение, занятие по душе, котрому посвящают практически весь свой досуг. Это может быть что угодно: вязание, кулинария, резьба по дереву, лепка, коллекционирование. Мое хобби рисование. Я очень люблю рисовать. Чаще всего я рисую пейзаж и у меня это очень хорошо получается,но так же я рисую натюрморты портреты животных и многое другое. Я люблю своё хобби.
a) He offered to lend me the money. I didn't like taking it but I had no other way out.
b) What was in the letter? I don't know. I didn't want to open it as it wasn't addressed to me.
c) Try to avoid being late. He hates to be kept waiting.
d) He heard the clock striking seven and knew it was time for him to get up.
e) I can hear the bell ringing but nobody seems to be coming to open the door.
f) Did you advise him to go to the police? - No, I didn't like giving any advice on such a difficult matter.
g) I'm not used to drive on the left.
h) It's pleasant siting by the fire at night and hear the wind blowing outside.
i) It's no use to write to him, he never answers letters. The only thing to do is going and seeing him.
j) Ask him to come in. Don't keep him standing at the door.