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Be polite and patient
Some parents can't tolerate criticism on their kids. Thus you may see them defending their kid in front you. Though it is a wrongful practice on a parent's side, you can't really stop it. What should you do then? You have to develop expressing your concerns without ruffling parents' feathers. It is true that some children are extremely problematic, and with such parents, the problem gets worse. Yet you need to remain patient and polite while working with parents.
Focus on the positive attributes of their child
Even the mildest of parents won't appreciate you complaining constantly about their kids. Some tips for teachers indicate that it is best to refer to some of their child's good qualities and appreciate those. However, make sure to inform parents in an encouraging tone about the areas the child needs to work on.
Never talk in front of the child
It is not good to talk about the kid in front of him. Whether it's about his virtues or vice, you shouldn't do it! Appreciating the kid in front of his parents would make him pompous. On the other hand, complaining about him can discourage him.
Make sure parents know you have the situation under control. Some parents will visit you everyday to ask you about their kid. This type of parents will also keep on interfering and trying to guide you to do your work 'better'. Don't let this happen! Try to convince them that you can handle the kid but need your space to do that. Also avoid discussing your lesson plans with parents as they might have their suggestions or recommendations. You are the authority in your classroom, thus your lesson plans are based on what you think would benefit students.
Maintain secrecy to the child of your meetings with parents
Sometimes parents ask their kids about the teachers in the teachers’ presence. “Does she shout at you sometimes, Timmy?” This gives some children the chance to come up with a number of complaints. Don't let this embarrassing situation happen as it will demotivate you to work with the child. You are only human, so your emotions may rule your judgment at times. Ask parents gently yet firmly to meet you without their children present.
Keep teacher worksheets close by
Performance or teacher worksheets are all the proof you would need to show a child's performance. Keep them close so that you can discuss your students' problem when meeting their parents. Without teacher worksheets, you might be thinking of what to discuss without creating complications.
Guide parents
At times, a child faces trouble in concentrating on studies due to certain family problems. Parents would not appreciate you trying to guide them, but you should point out that your student is being affected by his parents' personal problems. Keep weekly meetings. Even if parents want to come to school every day, avoid this. Do that on a weekly basis or call them up whenever necessary.
Listen first, talk later
A very important tip that is very useful in this case. Never burst in front of parents. Instead, find out what complains they have and deal with them. Once you're done, you can point out what had not been discussed before.
Be motivating
Last but not the least, always keep a motivating attitude. Parents like a teacher who can offer them a glimmer of hope when it comes to their child's weaknesses instead of demoralizing them.
1. Воскресение, в которое люди просят друг у друга прощение (прощеное)
3. В этот день Масленицы начинались различные увеселения: катания на санях, народные гулянья, представления (вторник)
5. Согласно языческим обычаям, его символизирует блин (солнце)
7. Масленица – славянский праздник, который символизирует её проводы (зима)
9. Его сжигают в последний день Масленицы (чучело)
11. В честь неё назван пятый день Масленицы (тёща)
13. Эти спортивные бои устраивали на четвёртый день Масленицы. Как они назывались? (кулачки)
15. На шестой день Масленицы невестка должна была позвать её в гости и подарить ей подарки (золовка)
Вопросы по горизонтали:
2. Так называется второй день Масленицы (заигрыш)
4. Продолжите пословицу:
"Блин не клин, брюхо не ..." (расколет)
6. Главным блюдом Масленицы являются …. (блины)
8. Отрезок времени, в течение которого празднуется Масленица (неделя)
10. Так на Руси назывались саночки со стульчиком (чунка)
12. Согласно славянскому календарю, так называли первый день Масленицы (встреча)
14. Доска, залитая водой и замороженная на холоде, которая заменяла на Руси санки (корежка)
16. С этого дня Масленицы начинались пиршества во всех домах. Люди лакомились блинами и другими масленичными яствами (лакомка)
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