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Задание №2 Про¬чи¬тай¬те тек¬сты и уста¬но¬ви¬те со¬от¬вет¬ствие между тек¬ста¬ми А–G и за¬го-лов¬ка¬ми 1–8. Ис¬поль¬зуй¬те каж¬дую цифру толь¬ко один раз. В за¬да¬нии есть один лиш¬ний заго¬ло¬вок.

1. Is there any risk-free alternative to tattoo?
2. What equipment is used?
3. What are the motives for getting a tattoo?
4. What is tattoo ink made from?
5. Is getting a tattoo dangerous?
6. What are the most popular tattoo designs?
7. How old is the tattooing tradition?
8. Can tattoos be removed?

A. Tattoos are surprisingly popular in different parts of the globe. The oldest tattooed person, the so-called Iceman, is a frozen mummy found in the Alps in 1991. The frozen man, aged more than 5000 years, has 57 tattoos! The scientists think that they were created with some sharp instruments like thorns, and ash from fireplace was used instead of ink. There's also a theory that Iceman's tattoos were made for medical reasons rather than for any other, reason.

B. Medical tattoos mark the places where acupuncture needles need to be used, however, that reason for getting a tattoo is rare. Tattooing for religious and spiritual reasons happens much more often. Soldiers and sailors get tattoos in memory of their battles and journeys. Some people tattoo the names of those they love, and some get tattoos for no reason at all, just because they think it's cool.

C. There are lots of tattooing techniques. Some tribes in Africa make cuts on the body and rub ash into them. Tattooists may also work with sharpened sticks or animal bones — the procedure is painful and not at all hygienic. In modern studios electric machines are usually used. They have one or more needles that quickly go in and out of the skin. The machine has ink containers and the ink gets into the skin via the needles. For safety reasons the needles should only be used once.

D. In the past, tattoo ink was made from tree bark, ash and coal dust. Later, pen ink was often used. Today, the inks produced by factories are usually made of metal salts and metal oxides. Heavy metals are used for colouring too: cadmium gives red and orange shades, aluminum — green and violet, cobalt — blue, titanium — white. There's no need to say that heavy metals may cause allergies and some far more serious diseases, cancer included.

E. Parents may get outraged by their children's desire for tattoos and they've got good reasons to get panicky — apart from ink related risks, getting tattoos is associated with the risk of infection. Anything from skin infections to tuberculosis and even AIDS can be transmitted via the instruments. If the tattooist ignores strict hygienic requirements, like using fresh ink for each session, changing gloves after each stage of tattooing or disinfecting the furniture, the client may catch a very serious disease.

F. Another reason against permanent tattoos is... their permanent character. You may like it now but people tend to change their preferences. A safe alternative is a temporary tattoo which lasts for only a few weeks. Their main advantage is that the skin is not damaged — the tattoo artist just applies henna on it. This type of tattoos is popular with fashion models who care for their bodies and don't want them to get damaged.

G. The actress Amy Taylor says that she got her tattoo when she was sixteen. She thought it was cool, but several years later the tattoo became a nuisance. Amy wanted to get it removed. She believed that modern technologies like laser treatment could do it easily but the doctors warned her that the tattoo wouldn't be fully removed anyway. The treatment is usually long, expensive and rather painful — getting the tattoo is much easier.

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25.05.2020 02:06
1. The picture was __painted__ by my favourite artist.
2. The shop __has__not been opened yet. It will be finished by the end of the week.
3. The cake was baked __by__my aunt. She is a very good cook.
4. _Have_ you heard about it? My car has been stolen.
5. I checked it. The door __was__ locked.
6. __Is_ your car still being repaired? If yes, I can give you a lift.
7. Coal __is__ mined in the area.
8. I was __such__ a beautiful present for Christmas.
9. They _were_ being watched when they arrived at the airport.
10. All the coffee has been __drunk__ . There is nothing in the tin!
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03.08.2021 09:19


It’s very important to choose the right food nowadays. Healthy and balanced diet is useful for every person. We depend on food as well as the cars depend on gas, for example. It’s our natural fuel, which gives our body physical strength and health. When the body is healthy, the mind will also be healthy. Очень важно правильно выбирать пищу в настоящее время. Здоровое и сбалансированное питание полезно для каждого человека. Мы зависим от пищи, также как автомобили зависят от бензина, например. Это наше природное топливо, которое дает нашему организму физическую силу и здоровье. Когда организм здоров, ум также будет здоровым.

Different types of food contain different nutrients for our body. Some supply us with carbohydrates, some with proteins or fats, some with vitamins and minerals, etc. Many people think that fat is bad for people and they try to cut down on it. There is even a special line of products, called low-fat. The problem is that we do need some kinds of fat, but the saturated fats from animal products, like red meat, butter and cheese, can be really bad for health. Friendly fats can be found in avocados, nuts and seeds, olives and tuna fish, and in some other products. Различные виды пищи содержат разные питательные вещества для нашего организма. Некоторые поставляют нам углеводы, некоторые белки и жиры, некоторые витамины и минералы, и т.д. Многие считают, что жиры вредны для людей, и они пытаются сократить их потребление. Существует даже специальная линия продуктов, называемая низкокалорийной. Проблема в том, что нам нужны некоторые виды жиров, но насыщенные жиры из продуктов животного происхождения, таких как красное мясо, масло и сыр, могут быть очень вредны для здоровья. Неопасные жиры находятся в авокадо, орехах и семечках, оливках, тунце, и в некоторых других продуктах.

Some people cut down on too much sugar and salt, which is also a good idea. One of the healthiest types of food is fruit and vegetables. Such organic products can be only useful if they don’t contain any chemicals and additives, which has become a common phenomenon in modern supermarkets. More and more people tend to grow fruit and vegetables in their own gardens, instead of buying them. Некоторые люди сокращают потребление слишком большого количества сахара и соли, что также является хорошей идеей. Одним из самых здоровых видов пищи являются фрукты и овощи. Такие органические продукты могут быть только полезны, если они не содержат никаких химических веществ и добавок, что стало обычным явлением в современных супермаркетах. Все больше и больше людей, как правило, выращивают фрукты и овощи в собственном саду, вместо того, чтобы покупать их.

Another problem is modified food. It’s much cheaper than ordinary food, which is why people often buy it. From the other hand, modified food can lead to dangerous diseases. Другая проблема – это модифицированные продукты питания. Они гораздо дешевле, чем обычная пища, поэтому люди часто покупают его. С другой стороны, модифицированная еда может привести к серьезным заболеваниям.

The food people eat depends a lot on their culture, religion, beliefs, health and other factors. However, some rules are common for everyone. They are: less fat, sugar and salt; and more water, vitamins, fresh fruit and

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