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28.02.2020 15:05 •  Английский язык

Задание 1:
Paul acted as if he owns/owned the company.
I wish i went/had gone to the concert kast hight.
Its night time you learnt/had learnt how to cook.
Suppose you saw/had seen someone getting mugged, what would you do?
Its about time we replaced/had replaced the old printer.
I'd rather you hadn't told/didn’t tell everyone my secret at the party last night.
| would have prepared some sandwiches if | knew/had known you were visiting.
I'd rather you didn’t turn on/hadn’t turned on the TV when |'m reading.
If only | didn’t break/hadn’t broken my dad's camera. He's very angry with me.
Задание 2:
| wish | (ask) my parents’ advice before | decided to buy the house.
Alan says he would rather (prepare) the dinner by himself.
|'d rather you (send) me a letter than an email.
Supposing | needed to borrow some money, (you/lend) some to me?
She isn't a trained ballerina but she dances as if she (be).
If you hadn't left early, you (hear) Tom playing the quitar.
| wish Alan (not/change) jobs; it's not the same here without him.
Задание 3:
Your brother has started plat thie dolin. Ya want him to stop practisira late at night. What do you say?
I'd rather you
You friend has the flu, You think she should go to the doctor. What do you say?
Youd better
Your parents have atfered't to Buy you an MP3 player for our birthday rather than the computer you had asked for. What do you say?
I'd rather you
Your friend has asked if you" d ike to go to 6 the beach You! want to Say at Phot, What do you say?
| would prefer
Your friend eats a lot of juice food. You think she shoule eat less. What do you say?
You had better
Your parents ask if you enjoyed your visit to the museum. you regret having gone, What do you say?
I'd rather

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04.10.2020 01:02
Привет! Начну с себя. Живу в малюсеньком городке с населением около 10000 тыс человек.Из плюсов является тишина и спокойствие,красивая природа.Из минусов, нет работы,низкая зарплата,Нет развлечений. Последнее время хочется переехать в большой город,но и свой городок я люблю.Как у вас обстоят дела с этим?)И что бы вы сделали для своего маленького города,чтобы в нем жилось лучше?

Some advantages and disadvantages of living in big cities

Nowadays many people live in big cities. Some of them were born there, others came from small towns. What can give them life in the big city? On the one hand, life in the big city offers many attractions. You can visit a lot of cafes, restaurants, museums and cinemas. You can along the streets of the city all day long and looking beautiful architecture. Then you can go to the city park and rest there. In addition, there are much more opportunities to realize your plans. There are more working places in big cities. Many people are able to find an interesting job for themselves, if they try, of course. There are a lot of shops and supermarkets in big cities. People can easily find the necessary things for themselves. Many people like to spend hours to do shopping. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages in the life in big city. For example, there is a bad ecology. There are many kinds of transport that pollute the air. Factories put their waste into water and atmosphere. People are nervous because of the rapid rhythm of the life and they begin to smoke. It also pollutes the air. People are always in a hurry in big cities. Sometimes they pass by each other, not noticing the familiar faces. We must not forget that living in a big city, you can spend a lot of time to get from one place of the city to another. As for me, I could not live in a big city all the time. Sometimes I would need to go to any suburb with more fresh air and the measured rhythm of life. We cannot say "big city is bad", or "big city is good." Life in the big city has many advantages and disadvantages. And everyone can find a reason to live there.

В наши дни много людей проживает в больших городах. Некоторые из них родились здесь, другие приехали из маленьких городов. Что может дать им жизнь в большом городе? C одной стороны, жизнь в большом городе предлагает много развлечений. Можно обойти множество кафе, ресторанов, музеев или кинотеатров. Можно гулять по улицам города целый день и рассматривать красивую архитектуру. Затем вы можете отправится в городской парк, и отдохнуть там. Кроме того, в большом городе гораздо больше возможностей для реализации планов. Здесь гораздо больше рабочих мест. Многие люди смогут найти для себя интересную работу. Если они постараются, конечно. В больших городах много магазинов и супермаркетов. Люди могут легко найти необходимые для себя вещи. Многие люди любят часами заниматься шопингом. С другой стороны, есть некоторые недостатки в жизни в больших городах. Например, здесь плохая экология. Много видов транспорта, который загрязняет воздух. Заводы и фабрики выбрасывают свои отходы в воду и атмосферу. Из-за быстрого ритма жизни много людей нервничает и начинает курить. Это тоже загрязняет воздух. Кстати, о ритме жизни. В большом городе люди всегда куда-то спешат. Иногда они пробегают мимо друг друга, не замечая знакомых лиц. Нельзя забывать и о том, что живя в большом городе, ты можешь потрать много времени для того, чтобы добраться из одного места города в другой. Что до меня, я бы не смогла жить в большом городе все время. Иногда мне было бы необходимо уехать в какой-нибудь пригород с более чистым воздухом и размеренным ритмом жизни. Нельзя сказать «большой город – это плохо», или «большой город – это хорошо». Жизнь в большом городе имеет множество преимуществ и недостатков. И каждый может найти повод жить здесь или уехать в более маленький город.
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07.08.2020 01:31
I believe that the ideal of adolescents does not happen. Let's say that the teenager reads a lot, plays sports and has success in their studies, but it will still be disadvantages. He can not devote much time to the native because of their training. But still, let's how to be the perfect teenager. I imagine his clever person who reads a lot, up to date (and not only the world, but also the fashion trends). It should be sporty, not fussy in music, music fan. Must be able to play a musical instrument. He should not argue, quarrel with their parents and people close to him. He should like to take advice of his friends, and give them the same.
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