Задание 1.
Complete the sentences using the new words. (Закончите предложения, используя новые слова).
Palace, hotel, tent, cottage, university halls of residence, house, block of flats.
1. Mr. Brown is a businessman. He stays at a when he travels.
2. The Smiths are a big family. They live in a big because they need lots of rooms.
3. Mark and Susan are campers. They sleep in a when they are on holiday.
4. Janice is a secretary. She rents abecause she works in the city centre.
5. The Coopers live in a because they love the quiet country life.
Задание 2.
Translate the words and phrases from the leaflet. (Переведите слова и фразы из листовки).
• Комната отдыха
• Будни, рабочие дни
• Шуметь
• Учебная неделя
• Босиком
• Осторожно
• Устраивать вечеринки
• Белка
• Регистрировать, вносить в список
• Убирать еду
• Гость с ночевкой
• Время экзаменов, сессия
• Получить разрешение
• Двигать мебель
I love this holiday because it gives people happiness and joy. For sweethearts this holiday is another reason to show their love.
-Hi, dear, just fine, how are you?
-Fine , thanks, you know, I'm going to America on business.
-You don'd say so! With whom are you going? Where are you going to stay, Who will pay for everything? America is such an expensive country to stay at.
-Chill out, Mum! I'm going with my collegues. They have already been there many times, they know where to stay and Ben will pay for the tickets.
-Well and who will help you to make a presentation? I'm sure you won't be able to do it yourself.
-Mum, I'm not a little boy,I'll do everything as good as I can and my colleagues will also help me. Besides I can't miss the chance of visiting a foreign country! I just want you to keep calm and not to worry!
-Ok, dear, I'll try. And you take care of tourself!
-Thanks Mum, bye!