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я сегодня не выходила из дома , так как идет дождь и у меня много дел. 2. она считает, что он самый умный самый, самый красивый, самый лучший человек на свете. 3. - в слове грамматика две буквы м? - да. - какая досада! я опять сделала ошибку. 4. - мне позвонить врачу? - о, нет, не нужно. мне уже гораздо лучше. 5. - ты не знаешь, где черная сумка? я нигде не могу ее найти. 6. - когда уезжает ваш брат? - он планирует улететь завтра, если ничего не случится. 7. - у тебя есть деньги на обед? - есть немного, но их не хватит даже на бутерброд. 8. когда солнце встает в париже, в мексике еще ночь. 9. он заявил, что ждет нас уже полтора часа, и не будет ждать ни минуты больше. 10. - когда мне выплатят мои деньги? они мне так нужны. set 7. 1. если пойдет дождь и будет ветрено, то старые люди опять будут плохо себя чувствовать. 2. здесь есть кто-нибудь из группы № 6? - нет, но есть два студента из второй группы. 3. - ты идешь с нами? мы не можем ждать, у нас мало времени. ' 4. - у тебя есть билеты на концерт? - нет еще, но я собираюсь попросить друга купить их. 5. сведения, которые он только что получил, интересуют всех. 6. - я не могу вас больше ждать. я должен пойти и заказать билеты в крым. 7. - с кем антон встречал новый год? - никто не знает, он говорит, что это секрет. 8. он предложил детям пойти в зоопарк, так как он не был там с детства. 9. черный кофе вкусный, а кофе с молоком еще вкуснее. 10. когда я вышел из магазина, то обнаружил, что мой велосипед украли. set 8. 1. в вашей стране много женщин-профессоров? - думаю, что не много. 2. - вы еще учите ? - да, и мой учитель говорит, что я сделал большие успехи. 3. - в какое время люди обычно в вашей стране? - обычно от 2 до 4. 4. - где вы были вчера в это время? - я развлекался в ночном клубе. 5. я давно не видел своих старых друзей, и мне хотелось бы, чтобы они приехали на мой день рождения. 6. у моих соседей нет телевизора, и поэтому у них много времени для чтения и прогулок. 7. - сколько денег у тебя в кошельке? - о, я их не считала. 8. - какая великолепная сегодня погода! давай выйдем и прогуляемся по улицам. 9. я переплыву самое глубокое море, я пройду через самые высокие горы, если ты будешь со мной. 10. этого человека арестовали, потому что он несколько раз пытался ограбить банк.

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14.06.2020 16:14

1. I haven't been out of the house , as the rain comes and I have a lot of cases.
2. She believes that he is the most intelligent, the most beautiful, the best man in the world.
3. - In the word grammar two letter m? - Yes. - What a pity! Again I have made a mistake.
4. "I call the doctor? "Oh, no, you don't. I have already much better.
5. "You don't know where the black bag? I never can find it.
6. - When leaving your brother? - He plans to fly away tomorrow, if nothing happens.
7. "Do you have money for lunch? - There are few, but they are not enough even for a sandwich.
8. When the sun rises in Paris, in Mexico is still night.
9. He stated that he is waiting for us already an hour and a half, and will not wait a minute longer.
10. "When I will receive my money? They I so needed.
SET 7.
1. If it rains and is windy, the old people again will feel bad.
2. Is there someone here from the group # 6? "No, but there are two students from the second group.
3. "Are you coming with us? We can not wait, we have very little time.
' 4. "You have tickets to a concert? "No, not yet, but I'm going to ask a friend to buy them.
5. The information, which he had just received, are interested in all.
6. "I can't you wait any longer. I must go and book tickets to Crimea.
7. - With whom Anton met the New Year? "No one knows, he says that it is a secret.
8. He suggested that children go to the zoo, because he had not been there since childhood.
9. Black coffee, delicious, and coffee with milk taste even better.
10. When I left the store, I found that my bike was stolen.
SET 8.
1. In your country a lot of women professors? - I think that's not very much.
2. "You still teach English? "Yes, and my teacher says that I have made great progress.
3. - At what time people usually have dinner in your country? - Usually from 2 to 4.
4. "Where were you yesterday at this time? "I had fun at the night club.
5. I had not seen his old friends, and I would like to come to my birthday.
6. In my neighborhood there is no TV, and so they have a lot of time for reading and walking.
7. - How much money you have in your wallet? "Oh, I never counted.
8. - What a beautiful weather today! Let's go out and take a walk through the streets.
9. I float the deep sea, I passed through the high mountains, if you will be with me.
10. The man was arrested, because he tried several times to Rob a Bank.

0,0(0 оценок)
14.06.2020 16:14

1. Today I did not go out of the house, as there is rain, and I have a lot of cases.

2. She thinks he's the smartest, most beautiful, the best man in the world.

3. - In two letters of the word grammar m? - Yes. - What a shame! Once again, I made a mistake.

4. - Should I call the doctor? - Oh, no, do not. I was already much better.

5. - You do not know where the black bag? I never could find it.

6. - When leaving your brother? - He plans to fly tomorrow, if nothing happens.

7. - Do you have money for lunch? - There are few, but they are not even enough for a sandwich.

8. When the sun rises in Paris, in Mexico, still night.

9. He stated that he expects us to have a half an hour, and it will not wait a minute longer.

10. - When do I pay my money? They need me so.

 .1. If it starts to rain and will be windy, the old people will again feel bad.

2. Is there anyone from the group number 6? - No, but there are two students from the second group.3. - Are you coming with us? We can not wait, we have very little time.'4. - Do you have tickets to a concert? - Not yet, but I'm going to ask a friend to buy them.5. The information that he had just received, all interested.6. - I can not wait for you anymore. I have to go and book tickets to the Crimea.7. - Who Anton met the New Year? - No one knows, he says it's a secret.8. He suggested that the children go to the zoo, because he was not there since childhood.9. Black coffee was delicious, and the coffee with milk taste even better.10. When I left the store, I found that my bike was stolen. SET 8.1. In your country, a lot of women professors? - I think that is not very much.2. - You are still learning English? - Yes, and my teacher says I have made great progress.3. - At what time people usually have dinner in your country? - Usually from 2 to 4.4. - Where were you yesterday at this time? - I am amused at the nightclub.5. I have not seen my old friends, and I would like them to come to my birthday party.6. My neighbors have no TV, so they have plenty of time for reading and walking.7. - How much money do you have in your wallet? - Oh, I did not count them.8. - What a great weather today! Let's go out and take a walk through the streets.9. I swin the deepest sea, I will go through the highest mountains, if you will be with me.10. This man was arrested because he had several times tried to rob a bank.

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