Write the names of these sports and games. 1) The sport of someone who swims; 2) the sport of going on horseback;
3) the game with two teams of 6 players each who play on an ice field;
4) the sport of fighting with fists!; 5) the game for two people who use
rackets, a small ball and a low net; 6) the sport of climbing mountains;
7) the sport which is a type of skating in which you have to jump and
move round the ice.
1. Swiming (плавание)
2. Horse riding (верховая езда)
3. Hockey (хоккей)
4. Boxing (бокс, скорее всего)
5. Tennis (теннис)
6. Mountain climbing (скалолазание)
7. Snowbording (сноубординг)