1. Old English like modern German, French, Russian and Greek, had many inflections to show singular and plural, tense, person, didn't it? 2/ Do verbs now have very few inflections? 3/ And adjectives do not change according to the noun, do they? 4/ Why has English become, over the past five centuries a very flexible language? 5/ Without inflections, the same word can operate as many different parts of speech, can't it? 6/ Can we can talk about water to drink and to water the flowers; time to go and to time a race; a paper to read and to paper a bedroom? 7/ Is a sixty-year old man inearing retirement; we can talk about a round of golf, cards or drinks? 8/ What has contributed some words to English at some time, and the process is now being reversed? 9/ Is English the most widespread language on the Earth, second only to Mandarin Chinese in the number of people who speak it? 10/ Is it the language of business, technology, aviation and sport?
2/ Do verbs now have very few inflections?
3/ And adjectives do not change according to the noun, do they?
4/ Why has English become, over the past five centuries a very flexible language?
5/ Without inflections, the same word can operate as many different parts of speech, can't it?
6/ Can we can talk about water to drink and to water the flowers; time to go and to time a race; a paper to read and to paper a bedroom?
7/ Is a sixty-year old man inearing retirement; we can talk about a round of golf, cards or drinks?
8/ What has contributed some words to English at some time, and the process is now being reversed?
9/ Is English the most widespread language on the Earth, second only to Mandarin Chinese in the number of people who speak it?
10/ Is it the language of business, technology, aviation and sport?
2) light, sky – skylight (световой люк)
3) side, road – roadside (обочина; придорожная полоса; край дороги)
4) book, text – textbook (учебник; руководство; пособие)
5) guide, method; - methodguide (метод руководства)
6) air, craft – aircraft (воздушный летательный аппарат)
7) chair, man – chairman (председатель)
8) rail ,way; - railway (железная дорога)
9) post, office - post-office (почта, почтовое отделение)
10) police, man; - policeman (полицейский, полисмен)
11) home, work; - homework (домашние задания; домашняя работа)
12) gentle, man; - gentleman (джентльмен)
13) green, house; - greenhouse (теплица; оранжерея)
14) house, wife – housewife (домашняя хозяйка, домохозяйка)