Belarusian cuisine is considered to be one of the most diverse cuisines in Europe. It has been largely influenced by Baltic, Slavic and even partially German cuisines. Traditional dishes of this country mainly consist of vegetables, meats and breads. Belarusian Food Белорусская еда
Belarusian cuisine is considered to be one of the most diverse cuisines in Europe. It has been largely influenced by Baltic, Slavic and even partially German cuisines. Traditional dishes of this country mainly consist of vegetables, meats and breads. Белорусская кухня считается одной из самых разнообразных кухонь в Европе. На нее в значительной степени повлияли балтийские, славянские и даже частично немецкие кухни. Традиционные блюда этой страны в основном состоят из овощей, мяса и хлеба.
Today, visitors of Belarus can try peasant cuisine of the countryside as well as the sophisticated dishes for the nobility. A traditional peasant meal has included a soup and a main course. One of the most delicious Belarusian soups is called “khaladnik”. It’s a cold type of borscht, which is mainly eaten in summer. This beetroot soup is eaten with sour cream.сметаной.
Potato is the main ingredient of many dishes. It is known as the second bread of Belarusians. Perhaps, everyone has heard of “draniki”. These are thick pancakes made of shredded potatoes. Meat is also widely used in Belarusian cuisine, especially pork. One of the traditional holiday dishes is called “pyachysta”. It is a delicious stew made of large chunks of pork or beef. Slightly smoked salty pork with onions and garlic is also popular. Most meat dishes in this country are served with potatoes or other vegetables.Historically, Belarus has little access to any type of seafood however there are some special fish-based dishes. For example, “yushka” — a fish soup boiled without any seasonings. In general, seasonings are not very popular in Belarusian cuisine.
School is an integral part of any child's life! There you can make friends, learn new things and have fun. But still, in order not to cause chaos in the school, some rules are needed. Basic school rules - the usual snouts that are easy to implement. One of the elemantar rules is discipline, each student must come before the lesson begins. Also in the school there are many unspoken rules, for example, rudeness and rude vision has never been welcomed in schools. Although there are many rules in schools, but oam
Школа є невід'ємною частиною життя будь-якої дитини! Там ви можете завести друзів, дізнатися нові речі і отримувати задоволення. Але все-таки, для того, щоб не було хаосу у школі, потрібні деякі правила. Основні правила школи - звичайні правила , яких легко дотримуватись . Одним з елемантарнмх правил є дисципліна, кожен учень повинен прийти до початку уроку. Також у школі є багато не офіційних правил, наприклад, грубіянство і агресія ніколи не вважвлись нормою в школах в школах. Хоча є багато правил в школах, але там весело!
Сорі, на більше мені фантазіїї не хватить, можеш скомбінувати мою відповідь з відповідями інших :Р
Belarusian Food
Belarusian cuisine is considered to be one of the most diverse cuisines in Europe. It has been largely influenced by Baltic, Slavic and even partially German cuisines. Traditional dishes of this country mainly consist of vegetables, meats and breads. Belarusian Food Белорусская еда
Belarusian cuisine is considered to be one of the most diverse cuisines in Europe. It has been largely influenced by Baltic, Slavic and even partially German cuisines. Traditional dishes of this country mainly consist of vegetables, meats and breads. Белорусская кухня считается одной из самых разнообразных кухонь в Европе. На нее в значительной степени повлияли балтийские, славянские и даже частично немецкие кухни. Традиционные блюда этой страны в основном состоят из овощей, мяса и хлеба.
Today, visitors of Belarus can try peasant cuisine of the countryside as well as the sophisticated dishes for the nobility. A traditional peasant meal has included a soup and a main course. One of the most delicious Belarusian soups is called “khaladnik”. It’s a cold type of borscht, which is mainly eaten in summer. This beetroot soup is eaten with sour cream.сметаной.
Potato is the main ingredient of many dishes. It is known as the second bread of Belarusians. Perhaps, everyone has heard of “draniki”. These are thick pancakes made of shredded potatoes. Meat is also widely used in Belarusian cuisine, especially pork. One of the traditional holiday dishes is called “pyachysta”. It is a delicious stew made of large chunks of pork or beef. Slightly smoked salty pork with onions and garlic is also popular. Most meat dishes in this country are served with potatoes or other vegetables.Historically, Belarus has little access to any type of seafood however there are some special fish-based dishes. For example, “yushka” — a fish soup boiled without any seasonings. In general, seasonings are not very popular in Belarusian cuisine.
School is an integral part of any child's life! There you can make friends, learn new things and have fun. But still, in order not to cause chaos in the school, some rules are needed. Basic school rules - the usual snouts that are easy to implement. One of the elemantar rules is discipline, each student must come before the lesson begins. Also in the school there are many unspoken rules, for example, rudeness and rude vision has never been welcomed in schools. Although there are many rules in schools, but oam
Школа є невід'ємною частиною життя будь-якої дитини! Там ви можете завести друзів, дізнатися нові речі і отримувати задоволення. Але все-таки, для того, щоб не було хаосу у школі, потрібні деякі правила. Основні правила школи - звичайні правила , яких легко дотримуватись . Одним з елемантарнмх правил є дисципліна, кожен учень повинен прийти до початку уроку. Також у школі є багато не офіційних правил, наприклад, грубіянство і агресія ніколи не вважвлись нормою в школах в школах. Хоча є багато правил в школах, але там весело!
Сорі, на більше мені фантазіїї не хватить, можеш скомбінувати мою відповідь з відповідями інших :Р