Wonders of the World Переведите данные слова и составьте синонимичные пары. Wonder, sacred, increase, create, protect, ancient, total, build, amazing, hold, embrace, make up, holy, support, famous, grow, eternal, occupied, raise, engaged, miracle, construct, believe, antique, beautiful, prominent, cover, erect, defend, organize, wonderful, form, pharos, everlasting, turn out, back, suppose, found, accomplishment, chef d’oeuvre, whole, prove, include, compile. Составьте антонимичные пары слов. Modern, reduce, destroy, famous, equal, drain, leave, armed, wisdom, unlike, increase, ancient, like, disarmed, unknown, construct, unequal, stupidity, come, irrigate. Translate the text “Wonders of the Ancient World”. Although most people know that there are seven wonders of the ancient world, only a few can name them. The original list of the Seven Ancient Wonders was compiled around the II century before Christ. Unfortunately, it was destroyed with the Alexandria Library. As to the final list, it was compiled in the Middle Ages. The list comprises the seven most impressive monuments of the ancient world, some of which survived only to the Middle Ages. Six out of the seven Ancient Wonders do not exist now. Only the Pyramids, including that of Cheops, stood the test of time. For their builders, the Seven Ancient Wonders were a celebration of religion, mythology, art, power and science. For us, they reflect the ability of humans to change the surrounding landscape by building those massive, yet beautiful structures. Of all the Wonders the Alexandria Lighthouse was the only one that had a practical use. And the Temple of Artemis was recognized the most beautiful of all the ancient wonders.
His favorite magazine is fidget. He likes it very much. There is a lot of useful, developing knowledge and instructive.This magazine is for children and parents.In the magazine coloring books, stories, crosswords, puzzles, riddles, toy clipping. Exciting games, comics, puzzles, crosswords. Fun contests with prizes and Souvenirs.Fairy tales and instructive stories, answers to" difficult " children's questions, exciting games that develop thinking and attention puzzles, rebuses, riddles, crosswords. For primary school children.
Мой любимый журнал Непоседа. Мне он очень нравится. Там много всего полезного, раззвивающего знания и поучительного.Этот журнал для детей и родителей.В журнале раскраски, истории, кроссворды, ребусы, загадки, игрушка-вырезалка. Увлекательные игры, комиксы, головоломки, кроссворды. Веселые конкурсы с призами и сувенирами.Сказки и поучительные истории, ответы на "трудные" детские во увлекательные игры, развивающие мышление и внимание головоломки, ребусы, загадки, кроссворды. Для детей младшего школьного возраста.
Мій улюблений журнал непосида. Мені він дуже подобається. Там багато всього корисного, раззвивающего знання і повчального.Цей журнал для дітей і батьків.У журналі розмальовки, історії, кросворди, ребуси, загадки, іграшка-вирізалка. Захоплюючі ігри, комікси, головоломки, кросворди. Веселі конкурси з призами та сувенірами.Казки та повчальні історії, відповіді на" важкі " дитячі питання, захоплюючі ігри, Розвиваючі мислення і увагу головоломки, ребуси, загадки, кросворди. Для дітей молодшого шкільного віку.
1. She has already washed the dishes.
2. They have just cleaned their teeth.
3. Tom and Jess have recently seen this film.
4. I've have already written a letter to my friend.
5. My cousin hasn't found his book.
6. I can’t find sweets! Who has eaten all the sweets?
7. Mike has already done his homework and now is playing in the yard.
8. We have just had 3 lessons of Maths!
9. Our class has lately visited the Kremlin.
10. Susan has made a tasty cake for her birthday.
11. You have already read the book by Kipling.
12. Jack has already drank his tea.
13. We have already learned a lot of English words.
14. He has just listened to a new song.
15. I can’t write the dictation! I haven't learned the rule yet.
16. The children have already played that computer game.
17. My classmate hasn't translated the text about London Zoo yet.
18. The teacher has recently told us about Present Perfect.
19. My friend has never been to London.
20. This is a book I have never read.