Frumenty is actually the very oldest of Christmas dishes – dating back to medieval times. Frumenty is a thick boiled grain dish (its name derives from the Latin word "frumentum", meaning "grain"). It is usually made with cracked wheat, boiled with either milk or some kind of stock and flavoured with all manner of other ingredients.
It was a traditional Christmas Eve meal in various parts of the country and was served up to lords, ladies and royalty as well as the poor.
frumenty - сладкая пшеничная каша на молоке с корицей, сахаром и пр.
Frumenty is actually the very oldest of Christmas dishes – dating back to medieval times. Frumenty is a thick boiled grain dish (its name derives from the Latin word "frumentum", meaning "grain"). It is usually made with cracked wheat, boiled with either milk or some kind of stock and flavoured with all manner of other ingredients.
It was a traditional Christmas Eve meal in various parts of the country and was served up to lords, ladies and royalty as well as the poor.
frumenty - сладкая пшеничная каша на молоке с корицей, сахаром и пр.