What are the steps in buying product s online? Numbe r these sentences in correct order.
a) The custome r opens an account.
b) The custome r goes to the check-out.
c) The custome r puts the item(s) in a basket or shopping cart.
d) The custome r pays for the product(s ) wit h a credit or debit card.
e) The custome r goes t o the website.
f) The custome r searches and/or browses the website.
g) The custome r chooses the item(s) t o buy.
h) The customer s checks the order.
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I had a wonderful trip to Odessa. Odessa is a beautiful city, but it is very far away. My family decided to fly the plane. We got up early because the flight was at 9 in the morning. We took bags with us and drove to the airport. Since this was my first flight, I was very worried. After checking in, we went to wait for our flight. We waited a long time. While we waited for an advertisement, we learned that our flight could be canceled. My family and I despaired and began to pack up when they suddenly said that an error had occurred. We were all happy and went to the platform. The controller looked at our tickets and said that this is not the platform. It turns out that our dad mixed up the planes, but we were lucky and we managed to board. The trip began with takeoff, how terrified I was when we took off. I was so scared that I grabbed my father's hand. But soon we took off and there was no problem with take-off. 1 hour after takeoff, the stewardess approached us and said that the plane was entering the turbulence zone. It was the most terrible 15 minutes of my life. We were very shaken. After this horror, I became ill. After that, nothing happened, we safely landed and got off the plane. Odessa is a beautiful city and I liked to relax there. On the way back, there was nothing terrible, since I was already used to it. And so it ended my fun trip on the plane.
24 предл.
(The) best-самый лучший
2)softer - мягче
softest -самый мягкий
3)мне кажется, что у вас опечатка ,не mach,а much,тогда:
more –больше
(The) biggest-самый большой
5)more beautiful-более красивый
the most beautiful-самый красивый
6)smaller - меньше
the smallest -наименьший (самый маленький)
7)shorter - короче
(The) shortest - самый короткий
8)more important- более важный
most important-самый важный
9)deeper-более глубокий
the deepest -самый глубокий
10)мне кажется ,что не rish,а rich,тогда:
richer - богаче
richest -самый богатый
11)dirtier — грязнее
the dirtiest-самое грязное
12)angrier - злее
the angriest-самый злой
13)worse –хуже
the worst-худший
14)more exact – точнее
the most exact-самый точный
15)more honest-честнее
the most honest-самый честный
16)more kind — добрее
most kind-самый добрый
the hardest -самый трудный