Выписать сказуемые из текста, указать время, залог и н.ф глагола A) A ship carrying 350 tons of rice, water, tinned fish and other supplies arrived at Nias, Indonesia today, and we have already started distributing food to the people. Unfortunately, cracked roads and collapsed bridges are making it very difficult. In the meantime, we keep searching for more survivors. In the early hours of Thursday, we managed to find a 13-year-old girl who was still alive. She had been buried underneath a five-storey building for 52 hours. Jason
B) I was lying on the beach sunbathing when I suddenly noticed huge waves. Before I knew it. the water had reached me. I started to run, but I couldn't, because the water was up to my knees. People around me were screaming. A few seconds later I was under the water. Pieces of wood were hitting me. Luckily, a man who was on a palm tree pulled me out of the water onto the tree. After a few hours, we were rescued by some local men and taken to the hospital. Bull
C) At the hotel, my colleagues and I were helping injured people. We gave them emergency first aid before they were taken to hospital. Some of the injuries we had to treat were quite horrific. The streets outside were littered with fallen palm trees and huge pieces of wood and metal. Sue
D) An earthquake that occurred at 07:59 local time under the Indian Ocean generated the biggest tsunami the world has seen in the last 40 years. The massive waves have killed over 10,000 people in southern Asia. Thousands have lost their homes. This must be one of the worst natural disasters in recent history
Most people who have come across computer games have a pastime either negatively or positively. Indifferent, in general, a little. And for many years now, disputes between opponents and supporters of computer games have not subsided, and the most diverse arguments are given. Sometimes you wonder what kind of logical chains are being built. And basically both sides rest on moments related to the psyche, society, and personal development. Let's try to figure out what psychologists think about video games.
In the US, 99% of boys and 94% of girls regularly play video games. Of these, 97% spend at least an hour a day on this. Five years ago, the total revenue of the gaming industry exceeded $ 25 billion a year, and games themselves have long been an integral part of pop culture.
У будь-якому суспільстві праця більшості людей оцінюється низько, роблячи недоступними для них багато благ цивілізації або доступними не повною мірою. Однак, завжди існують верстви населення або класи, представники яких мають законну можливість необмеженого збагачення. Незалежно від джерела їхнього збагачення в конкретному суспільстві (торгівля, використання праці інших людей та інше.), права цих класів захищені законом набагато краще, ніж права більшості людей. Ці класи є правлячими, на них опирається державна влада, у них у руках зосереджені виробництво й розподіл благ. Для того, щоб задовольнити потреби всіх повною мірою, необхідно, щоб трудомісткість, а отже, собівартість усього комплексу благ відповідала середньорічній зарплаті людей.
Отже, розвиток науки, техніки та бездумне споживання благ цивілізації, призводять до колосальних наслідків.