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выбрать нужный вариант ответа:
1 ….Sugar is harmful. Don’t pass me … sugar! Put it asige!
A. the B. a C. Без артикля
2. I like … film which I have recently seen
A. Без артикля B. the C. a
3. Are there ... pens on the desk? — Yes, there are ... .
A. some, … some B. any, … some C. any … any
4. There are ... buses today and I can't go shopping.
A no B. any C. some
5. Chinese is …. language in the world
A. more difficult B. the most difficult C. difficalter
6. As for me to be married is… than to be single.
A. better B. the best C. gooder
7. I opened the door and went... the classroom. The teacher was writing some words ... the blackboard. The pupils were writing words ... their exercise books.
A. into, on, in B. in, on, on C. on, in, in
8. The door … the room is white.
A. at B. of C. on
9. What colour … her hair?
A. is B. are C. does
10. What ... the news?
A. are B. is C. do
11. . My little brother (not to play) the piano very well. Why he (to practice) the piano again.
A. don’t play; is practicing B. is not playing; practices C. doesn’t play; is practicing
12. When I (to come) home, Kate (to play) computer games.
A. come; is playing B. came, was playing C. comes; is play
13 She always (to wear) nice clothes for work. Today she (to wear) a nice blouse and a dark skirt.
A. wears; is wearing B. wore, was wearing C. wear; is wear
14. . What are you (to do) here? — I have just (to write) a letter to my friends.
A. do; writing B. doing, writing C. doing; written
15. He (to be) ill last week, but now he (to recover).
A. was; has recovered B. is, have recovered C. was; recovered
16. When I (to come) home yesterday, the children (to run) and (to sing) merrily.
A. come; were running; singing B came; were running; singing C.came; are running; singing
17. When father (to return) from work, we already (to do) our homework.
A. return; has done B. returned, had done C. returns; do
18. On my way to school I (to remember) that I (to leave) my report at home.
A. remember; has left B, remember; have left C. remembered; had left
19. Hockey usually (to play) in winter.
A. is played B. were played C. plays
20. I like (to invite) by my friends and I (to invite) them too.
A. to be invited; invite B. to invite ; invited C. to be invite ; invite
21. This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow.
A. was given B. is given C. will be given
22. These trees (to plant) last autumn.
A. were planted. B. are planted. C. will be planted.
23. There are … boxes on the shelf.
A. much B. many C. any
24. I have no time! I …. go, but I …. come tomorrow. … I come again?
A. can, must.may. B. must, may. Must. C. must, can, may
25. In my house there are a lot of … and I have a big collections of computer … .
A. mice, mouses. B. mice, mice, C.mice. mouse

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23.01.2022 00:11
There are many holidays in our country. they are: new year's day, christmas, women's day, victory day, may day and others. i like new year's day, it is my favourite holiday. the 1st of january is a winter holiday and now it is the first day of the new year. peter the first changed the russian calendar in 1699. he made the 31st of december, 1699 the last day of the year. the first of january 1700 became new year's day. the 1st of january is in the middle of winter. the weather is usually fine and there is a lot of snow everywhere. as the 1st of january is a holiday i don't go to school and my parents don't go to work. we usually have got a very interesting new year's party at school. we have got it on the 28th or 29th of december. our family prepares for this holiday beforehand. my father buys and brings home a beautiful new year's tree at the end of december. our family has a tradition to buy it. i like to decorate the new year's tree with toys, little coloured lights, sweets and a beautiful star on the top. my mother and grandmother prepare our holiday supper and lay the table. i make a cake. all the members of our family clean the flat before this nice holiday and then each of us try to dress well. we like to see the new year in at home with our relatives. they come to see us at 11 o'clock in the evening. at 12 o'clock we are sitting at the table and we are glad to see the new year in. we say, "best wishes for the new year! " i hope that next year will be better than the last one. the new year's day is always connected with our new hopes and dreams. it is a pleasant moment to get presents on the new year's eve. i usually get many nice useful things from my parents and relatives. my parents put their presents under the new year's tree. we don't go to bed till morning, we watch tv, dance, eat tasty things and make jokes. i enjoy this holiday very much. перевод: в нашей стране есть много отпусков. они: новый год, рождество, женский день, день победы, первый май и другие.  я люблю новый год, это - мой любимый праздник. 1-ого января - зимний праздник, и теперь это - первый день нового года.  питер первое изменил российский календарь в 1699. он сделал 31-ого декабря 1699 в последний день из года. первого января 1700 стал новым годом.  1-ого января находится в середине зимы. погода обычно прекрасна и есть много снега всюду. как 1-ого января - праздник, я не иду в школу, и мои родители не идут, чтобы работать.  мы обычно имеем интересную новогоднюю сторону в школе. мы имеем это 28-ого или 29-ого декабря.  наша семья готовится к этому празднику заранее. мой отец покупает и приносит домой красивое новогоднее дерево в конце декабря. наша семья имеет традицию, чтобы купить это. я люблю украшать новогоднее дерево игрушками, небольшими цветными огнями, конфетами и красивой звездой на вершине.  моя мать и бабушка готовят наш ужин праздника и накрывают на стол. я делаю пирог.  все члены нашей семьи чистят квартиру перед этим хорошим праздником, и затем каждый из нас пробует одеться хорошо. мы любим видеть новый год в дома с нашими родственниками. они прибывают, чтобы видеть нас в 11 часов вечером.  в 12 часов мы сидим за столом, и мы рады видеть новый год в. мы говорим, "наилучшие пожелания в течение нового года! "  я надеюсь, что следующий год будет лучше чем последний.  новый год всегда связывается с нашими новыми и мечтами.  это - приятный момент, чтобы получить подарки на кануне нового года.  я обычно получаю много хороших полезных вещей от моих родителей и родственников.  мои родители подвергали их подарки новогоднему дереву.  мы не ложимся спать до утра, мы смотрим телевизор, танцуем, едим вкусные вещи и отпускаем шутки.  я этим праздником .
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11.09.2022 05:48
Look what I've found is the same old ball mouse!I wonder, as a principle of work she had.-Do It was a small ball inside and with his help she asked certain direction two rollers, and they in turn passed them on special sensors, which are converted to mouse movement to move the cursor on the monitor.'I had forgotten that there was such a mouse once. But today I bought a new mouse from the company's apple.-It'S Great. But how is it different from others?- She has a completely new technology Multi-touch.S this technology can be easily and conveniently use the computer just by touching a finger at any of the mouse. Just one finger you can scroll through the pages in any, direction, two fingers - you can turn the pages and photos, but if you just hand on the mouse it just understands that no action is necessary.- But how much does it cost?- Approximately 5000r-Dorogovato, But maybe it's worth it. The most important thing convenience.-And What else there are analogues of this mouse?- For example, a laser or a wireless mouse, but I think the best of all is the mouse wireless mouse
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