Выберите правильный вариант.
1. Before youdon't forget to lock the door.
a) are leaving c) leave
b) '11 leave d) shall leave
2. Tomorrow afternoon Itennis from three to four.
a) '11 play c) '11 be playing
b) play d) am playing
3. I'm angry. Your friendlies about you.
a) have told c) has been telling
b) tell d) had told
4. The film wasexciting butfrightening.
a) quite, rather c) rather, quite
b) quite, quite d) rather, rather
5.longer you stay in a country,more you
learn about its customs.
a) -, - c) the, a
b) the, the d) a, a
6.1 was pleasedyour message yesterday.
a) to get c) getting
b) having got d) get
7. The coat is not warmto wear in winter.
a) too c) enough
b)so d)such
8. Is this the first time youin hospital?
a) 've been c) were
b) are d) 'd been
9. The kitchen hadn't beenfor ages. It was really
a) cleaning, disgusting c) cleaned, disgusting
b) cleaned, disgusted d) cleaning, disgusted
10. It was a lovely party. We really enjoyed . very much.
a) us c) ours
b) our d) ourselves
11. Being very shy she was sittingin a corner of the
a) herself c) on her own
b) on one's own c) by her
12. Can I borrow your scissors? Minesharp enough.
a) aren't c) is
b) isn't d) are
13. The local restaurant was no longer open. It
a) closed c) has closed
b) was closed d) had closed
14.1 wasn't hungry. Ijustbreakfast.
a) had have c) would have
b) was having d) have had
15. If only I had enough money, then Ia car.
a) would buy c) would have bought
b) bought d) '11 buy
16. My brother is very ill inhospital. I go to
hospital to visit him every day.
a) -,the c)the,the
b) -, - d) a, the
17. During the night the touristsup by loud screams.
a) woke c) wake
b) are woken d) were woken
18. Four people are saidafter the explosion.
a) to be arrested c) be arrested
b) being arrested d) to have been arrested
19. "I wonder if he will get the job." "."
a) So am I c) So I do
b) So I am d) So do I
20. A lot of moneyby car manufacturers now to create cars harmless for the environment.
a) are invested b) have been invested
c) is being invested d) were invested
Об отмене крепостного права говорили с начала 19-го века и только в середине Александр II смог осуществить реформу. Миллионы российских крестьян получили свободу. Но как же проходила подготовка реформы? На каких условиях освобождались крестьяне? Так ли легко им стало жить в первые годы после отмены крепостничества?Было несколько причин отмены крепостного права: оно мешало экономическому развитию страны, грозило нарушением общественного спокойствия, образованная часть общества относилась к крепостничеству как к рабству, грозило для страны скатыванием в разряд второстепенных держав, увеличивалась военно-техническая отсталость России от европейских стран. Реформу готовили несколько лет, и в 1861 году Александр II издал Манифест. Крестьяне стали свободными, но должны были выкупать землю. Экономическое положение крестьян начинает ухудшаться из-за тяжёлых условий выкупа, в связи с этим начинаются бунты. Однако, реформа была нацелена на перспективу и ее результаты должны были сказаться через несколько лет. В стране начнут развиваться капиталистические отношения (наемный труд, увеличится количество фабрик и заводов), повысится урожайность зерновых культур. Но при этом в первое десятилетие проведения реформы ухудшилось экономическое положение крестьян.Какие факты свидетельствуют о наличии крепостной зависимости у крестьян Прибалтики2. Какие двигательные качества спортсмена необходимы для овладении техники прыжка в высоту с разбега любыми Приведите ро одному примеру из 6 качеств.
1 Какие бывают в прыжках в высоту с разбега?
Из каких фаз состоит прыжок в высоту с разбега?. Какой инвентарь используется в разминке и в прыжках высоту с разбега?
2. Какие в основном двигательные качества выполняются и развиваются в прыжках в высоту?
Velikiy Novgorod — one of the oldest and most famous cities of Russia (in 2009 officially said 1150 years). The location of the calling Chronicles, Rurik and origin of the Russian statehood. In the Middle ages — the center of Novgorod Russia and then the Novgorod land centre in the old Russian and Russian States. In 1136 it became the first free-style Republic on the territory of the feudal Russia (from now on, when after the battle at the mountain Ganoi Prince Vsevolod I of Kiev fled from the battlefield, the powers of the Prince of Novgorod was severely limited). For a period of time beginning in 1136 and ending the year 1478, when Novgorod lost (as a result of the victory of Prince of Moscow Ivan III the Great over the people of Novgorod to the Moscow-Novgorod war, 1477-1478) political autonomy, in relation to the Novgorod land, it is customary to apply the term "Novgorod Republic" (government last used the designation of Lord Novgorod the Great).
Novgorod was not subjected to the Mongol invasion; although he paid tribute to the Horde, but retained the unique monuments of old Russian architecture of pre-Mongol period, and was the only one of ancient Russian cities, escaped the decline and fragmentation in the XI—XII centuries.
The population of Veliky Novgorod — 221 954[3] people (2015); 90-e a place in Russia, it's about a third of residents of the area 90.08 km2.