Выберите из правой колонки слова для правильного перевода английских видовременных форм глагола:
had been painting
was painting
had painted
1) уже рисовал (в течение какого-то времени, когда что-то произошло)
2) рисовал вчера (в семь часов)
3) рисовал (вчера)
4) нарисовал (вчера к семи часам вечера)
Modern man can not imagine life without a computer. I hope students and students will be able to understand me like no other. First, you can quickly find the information we need on the Internet. Special programs assist in the processing of files and documents. In a computer network can also be necessary to use additional study materials. One should not forget that all the artistic, scientific and journalistic literature can be found through one keystroke , without leaving home . This saves time , which sometimes is lacking . That is, we can safely say that the computer - it is certainly one person. But helping people , soulless machinery can cause great harm. How then , you ask? Explain.Computer network gradually tightens person virtual world , thereby depriving him of living communion with others. This , in my opinion , the most urgent problem of our time, especially among teenagers. Many rarely rise to fresh air , spending his life at the monitors .There are no less important problems associated with the computer. The main disadvantage of human-computer communication - is deteriorating health both mental and physical . Long pastime for computer leads to disease of the spine and eyes.
Absolutely. Sparta was a difficult place to live. People didn"t have gold or silver. And how did they teach their children?
Spartan soldiers chose boys and trained them a lot. The Spartan army was very strong. But it was a hard life. The boys had only one tunic a year. They had no baths, they could only wash in the river-which was icy cold in winter.
Did they have enough food?
The food was simple and poor and there wasn"t very much of it.
So, it was a really hard life, wasn"t it?
It was. But they were great soldiers, strong and brave. We still use the word Spartan today to describe someone who lives a very strict and simple life