Vocabulary - word groups Put the words in the correct column. Each column has a different number of words. soap quiet walk annoying luggage departure lounge worried aspirin cycle suncrearn arrival hall hitchhike tiring plasters flight toothpaste boarding pass gate ride surprised Travel verbs Travel by plane Adjectives Chemist's
1. They can also function to some extent even on days that are overcast. 2. In general, the better insulated double-glazed collectors are recommended for cold northern climates, but single-glazed ones are perfectly adequate for warm climates. 1. До некоторой степени они могут функционировать даже и в пасмурные дни. 2. Вообще, более герметичные (солнечные) коллекторы с двойным остеклением рекомендуется для холодного северного климата, а с одинарным остеклением прекрасно подходят для теплых климатических условий.
B - Hi, where are you going from? g - Hello, I had an extra Spanish class in school. bb - Do you like Spanish? Why? g - I absolutely love it! When I was 7 years old my mother and I travelled in Spain. Spain became my favourite country. That's why I began to learn Spanish. What do you think of it? What is your hobby? b - I am not interested in learning language. To be honest, I am into fashion, I like watching fashion shows and shopping because it makes me feel really happy. Is it interesting for you? g - Yes, it is! I lhave the same opinion! Fashion is wonderful!
2. In general, the better insulated double-glazed collectors are recommended for cold northern climates, but single-glazed ones are perfectly adequate for warm climates.
1. До некоторой степени они могут функционировать даже и в пасмурные дни.
2. Вообще, более герметичные (солнечные) коллекторы с двойным остеклением рекомендуется для холодного северного климата, а с одинарным остеклением прекрасно подходят для теплых климатических условий.
g - Hello, I had an extra Spanish class in school.
bb - Do you like Spanish? Why?
g - I absolutely love it! When I was 7 years old my mother and I travelled in Spain. Spain became my favourite country. That's why I began to learn Spanish. What do you think of it? What is your hobby?
b - I am not interested in learning language. To be honest, I am into fashion, I like watching fashion shows and shopping because it makes me feel really happy. Is it interesting for you?
g - Yes, it is! I lhave the same opinion! Fashion is wonderful!
b - boy
g - girl