VII. Спишите, подчеркните причастие II, определите его функцию и переведите предложения на русский язык: 1. This firm is interested in the purchase of automobiles produced by our plants.
2. They sent us a list of goods advertised by that firm.
3. Dried and sorted the goods were placed in a warehouse.
4. They showed us a list of the goods sold at the auction.
1 Bread is eaten every day
2 Books are taken in the library
3 Many houses are built in our city every year
4 Many interesting games are always played at our PE lessons
5 Hockey is played in winter
6 Mushrooms are gathered in autumn
7 Flowers are sold in shops and in the streets
8 Coffee is grown in Brazil
9 Letters and parcels are delivered by postmen in the afternoon every day
10 Chinese is spoken in Singapore
1 I show-I am showed
2 She brings-She is brought
3 We ask-We are asked
4 Friends answer- Friends are answered
5 Postmen send- Letters are sent
6 They give- They are given
7 A teacher helps-A pupil is helped
8 Rich people advise-Poor people are advised
9 He forgets-he is forgotten
10 A photographer remembers- His works are remembered
11 We invite- We are invited
12 An editor corrects-Writers are corrected
13 A vet treats- Animals are treated
14 He calls-He is called
15 People protect-Nature is protected
1 The stone circles are surrounded by a fence
2 Stonehenge is visited by many tourists every year
3 The mystery of different ancient buildings is solved by archaeologists
4 The stones are studied by scientists
5 Stones are transported by thousands of people to the sites
6 All the stones aren't damaged by visitors
7 Reports are written by the pupils every week
When I was told that I would have English. I immediately thought it would be interesting. And when that moment came, I immediately liked it. And I decided to do this business. I told my mother about this, and my mother said that she was babysitting a tutor for me. And it was also interesting for me to go to the tutor. And I took a textbook for myself and learned new words. And I had a dream that when I grow up I will go to England. I told the teacher about this and he said that if I am a good student, then I will go to England. I grew up and took a plane to England
Когда мне сказали что у меня будет английский язык. Я сразу подумал что это будет интересно. И когда этот момент настал, мне сразу понравилось. И я решил заниматься этим делом. Я рассказал об этом маме, и мама сказа что нянет на меня репититора. И мне тоже было интересно пойти к репититору. И я для себя брал учебник и учил новые слова. И у меня была мечта что когда я вырасту я поеду в англию. Я рассказал об этом учителю и он сказал что если я буду хорошо учится то тогда я поеду в англию. Я вырос и полетел на самолёте в англию