When I got off the coach in London, the weather was awful. It WAS RAINING and there was a cold wind. A short, fat man, who WAS WEARING a hat and WAS CARRYIN a small briefcase, got off after me. It was five o'clock and lots of people WERE LEAVING work and WERE HURRYING to catch the bus or the Underground. I was not wearing a raincoat so I went into a department store and bought a cheap umbrella. When I came out, the short, fat man from the bus was standing outside the department store. HAS he BEEN FOLLOWING me?
1.Drought-- засуха
f)continuous dry weather, when there is not enough water for people’s needs
2.Flood- наводнение
c)coming of a great quantity of water over a place
3.volcanic eruption -извержение вулкана
b)lava, cinders, gases come up suddenly from below the earth surface through an opening of a mountain
d)a mass of snow, ice
i)sudden violent movement of the earth’s surface
a)a light that happens during a thunderstorm, very bright and fast
7.Tsunami цунами
k)a series of water waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of water
8.forest fire лесной пожар
j)an uncontrollable fire in an area of vegetation that happens in the countryside
9.Hurricane-- ураган
e)violent and destructive storm over a small area
10.Tornado- торнадо
h)a wind that blows and twirls round from the land to the top of the sky
11.Explosion- взрыв
g)a sudden burning of some combustible material