Вас просят написать статью о сайгаке для школьного информационного бюллетеня «Наша планета, находящаяся под угрозой исчезновения». Напишите 3 параграфа, используя план ниже: (Параграф 1) - краткая информация о сайгаке (что / где) (Параграф 2) - почему он находится под угрозой исчезновения (Параграф сохранения
Saiga - a genus and species of mammals from the family of bull deer, or even-toed ungulates.Belongs to the group of genera "antelope". A resident of the steppes, which previously inhabited Europe and Asia, and now survived only in Kazakhstan
Saiga - a genus and species of mammals from the family of bull deer, or even-toed ungulates.Belongs to the group of genera "antelope". A resident of the steppes, which previously inhabited Europe and Asia, and now survived only in Kazakhstan
There are only a few thousand saigas left in the world, due to hunting (their meat tastes like lamb) and the tragedy of 2015. Then in the territory of Kazakhstan more than 120 thousand individuals died due to a bacterial infection in a few weeks.
There are many ways to preserve the species of these animals and the most effective of them is the creation of reserves and listing these animals in the "Red Book".