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08.05.2023 09:12 •  Английский язык

variant 1

task 1. make these adjectives negative using prefixes un-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; mis-; in-.

1. it is for you to finish the project on time. possible

2. i believe your friend mark is being honest

3. my brother joseph can be __ at times. responsible

4. mr. hall was an biologist and nobody really learnt much from his classes. successful

5. you shouldn’t attend the wedding wearing __ clothes. formal

task 2. choose the correct preposition (on, out, into, away from, over) to complete each of the following sentences:

rodney nearly ran __ an old lady while he was driving his car.

because of global warming, it's very important that we try to stop using cars and other vehicles that run __ petrol or gasoline.

we've run __ of sugar. could you, please, buy some more?

we ran your brother at the mall last night.

we can't run the facts.

task 3. fill in the blanks with must / mustn’t / can / can’t / couldn’t / had to / don’t have to/ should / shouldn’t

i clean my teeth. i want to be healthy.

we _ go to the seaside at last. our holidays start next week.

you __ smoke so much. it’s bad for your health.

he enter this room. it is dangerous.

she looks pretty sick. i think she __ go to a doctor.

i _ believe that you failed your test!

you remember what i said to you. it’s very important.

i have just ordered some pizza. you cook anything tonight.

i’m sorry i come yesterday. i visit a very important client.

task 4. choose the correct answer a, b or c.

1. it’s really easy to make a compost ….. in your garden.

a hill b heap c home

2. modern transport ….. the roads in the city.

a enriches b fertilizes c congests

3. we’ve run ….. petrol. we need to find a petrol station.

a out of b away from c on

4. i saw a criminal running ….. the police in town last night.

a out of b away from c on

5. we can save energy if we ….. of lights when we leave a room.

a switch b cut c run

6. ….. you turn the cooker off?

a may b must c can

7. ….. i borrow your book?

a may b should c must

8. you ….. respect the environment.

a must b may c can

9. we …… to recycle glass. we help the environment this way.

a should b must c ought

10. you ….. drop litter in the streets.

a needn’t b mustn’t c shouldn’t

module 4. form 10. test.

variant 2

task 1. make these adjectives negative using prefixes un-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; mis-; in-.

1. the dreadful earthquake has caused an situation to the local residents. pleasant

2. it would be of me to pretend enjoying going out with david. polite

3. there is no doubt that cannabis will remain an drug for the foreseeable future. legal

4. mum punished me for leaving the front door locked

5. i’m afraid you what i was referring to. understand

task 2. choose the correct preposition (on, out, into, away from, over) to complete each of the following sentences:

i ran alex yesterday on my way to work.

we’ve run money and can’t afford to buy a new computer now.

i saw the car ran him.

don’t run me! i love you!

cars run gas.

task 3. fill in the blanks with must / mustn’t / can / can’t / couldn’t / had to / don’t have to/ should / shouldn’t

you walk the dog again. john walked him an hour ago.

you look very pale. you take some aspirin and go to bed.

i’m afraid you here.

this is an old-fashioned school. all students wear a uniform.

look at this phone bill! i really try to make fewer phone calls.

you be loud during the lesson.

you take all this waste paper to the recycling bin.

i can’t meet my friends in the evening because i do my homework.

i speak french from the age of ten.

task 4. choose the correct answer a, b or c.

1. washing machines use a large …… of water.

a amount b emission c crop

2. you have to cut ….. the amount of paper you use.

a up to b out on c down on

3. i ran ….. alex yesterday on my way to work.

a on b into c over

4. cars run ….. gas.

a on b into c over

5. hotter summers are caused by …… warming.

a environmental b natural c global

6. …… you turn on the light? it’s getting dark in here.

a could b should c must

7. … i use your phone?

a should b may c must

8. we ….. to use natural fertilizers.

a ought b can c must

9. you ….. feed the animals in the zoo.

a shouldn’t b mustn’t c needn’t

10. ivan … money to environmental organizations.

a donates b increases c congests​

Показать ответ
05.06.2023 04:10
It's very difficult to judge the world objectively if you've never been anywhere. Travelling gives you a lot of new knowledge and impressions, and you can think about cities and countries in a completely informed way.When you travel, you have a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the culture, to learn more about the history of a city. On the other hand, if you've spent your whole life in the same country and in the same city, your horizons are very limited.
Any trip can be made not only enjoyable, but also useful. You can meet interesting people and learn from them.
For a trip, I always make a list and take only the necessary things. The first and foremost thing to take with you on a trip is documents and money. As for personal hygiene items and cosmetics, the list of things to take on a trip can be endlessly long.Also, your clothes should be comfortable. You need to look at things soberly and ruthlessly cross off the list of things you can easily do without or replace with something on the spot.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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05.06.2023 04:10

ответ: Traveling is very important for people who are interested in another culture, for self-development and simply for those who want to relax. Many people are motivated to visit other countries, for example, to write or draw. If I went on a trip, I would take a camera with me - when traveling, I always want to note a certain moment. You also need to take a small first aid kit. You don't need to take a lot of things on a week's vacation, many people are mistaken with this - a pair of T-shirts and pants are enough. It can be boring to fly on an airplane, so you need to bring your headphones with you and install some movies. Well, if you are flying south in hot weather and are going to sunbathe on the beach, take sunscreen with you.

Путешествия очень важны для людей, которым интересна другая культура, для саморазвития и просто для тех, кто хочет отдохнуть. Многих людей мотивирует посещение других стран, например, на писательство или рисунки. Если бы я отправился в путешествия, я бы взял с собой фотоаппарат - во время путешествий всегда хочется отметить какой то момент. Также обязательно нужно взять небольшую аптечку. В недельный отпуск не нужно брать много вещей, многие люди ошибаются с этим - хватает пару футболок и штанов. В самолете бывает скучно лететь, поэтому нужно взять с собой наушники и установить несколько фильмов. Ну а если вы летите на юг в жаркую погоду и собираетесь загорать на пляже -возьмите с собой крем от загара.

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