В passive voice 1. Поэма «Полтава» была написана Пушкиным в 1828 году.
«Poltava» poem was written in 1828 by Pushkin.
2. Контрабандиста арестовали вчера.
The smuggler was arrested yesterday.
3. Её новую вазу разбили.
Her vase was broken.
4. Все планеты притягиваются солнцем.
All planets are attracted by the Sun.
5. Курить в институте запрещено.
Smoking in university is prohibited.
6. Высококачественные товары реализуются быстро.
High-class goods are realized fast.
7. Картошка запекается около 20 минут.
Potatoes are baked about 20 minutes.
8. Игоря пригласили на веселую вечеринку.
Igor has been invited to fan party.
9. Яну пригласили на научную конференцию.
Jana was invited to scientific conference.
10. Антону предложили высокооплачиваемую работу.
Antony was offered a high-paid work.
11. Ирину пригласили на международный кинофестиваль в качестве переводчика.
Irina was invited to international cinema festival as interpreter.
12. Статья по экономике написана Прониным.
Article on Economics was written by Pronin.
13. Лекции по теории государственного управления написаны карандашом.
Lectures on theory of state administration have been written by the pencil.
14. Лирическая песня была исполнена Ксенией.
A lyric song was performed by Ksenija.
15. Учебник написан известным психологом.
Text book was written by famous psychologist.
16. Сложная задача решена компьютером.
Difficult task was solved by computer.
17. Санкт-Петербург был основан Петром I.
Saint-Petersburg was founded by Peter the first.
18. Система общения совершенствуется.
System of communication is being improved.
19. Динамика бизнеса повышается.
Dynamics of business is being increased.
20. Вся необходимая информация была собрана вчера.
All necessary information was collected yesterday.
1)I really like my family,my parents,grandparents,brothers and sisters.
2)Every year I with my family have a rest in the mountains.
3) Usually my mother says that we should love and help to our family,to do the good things for our family.
4)My family is very big and friendly.
5)In the holidays I with my family go to the restaurant.
6)I and my family went to the cinema yesterday.
7)I with my family are going to visit London.
8)I and my family are going to celebrate New Year at home.
9)Last year I with my Family had a rest in New York.
10)I with my family want to play basketball together.
2. You meet a woman who tells you that she teaches English. You ask her:
(How long have you been teaching English?)
3. You know that Jane is a good Carol’s friend. You ask Jane:
(How long have you known Carol?)
4. Your friend’s brother went to Australia some time ago and he’s still there. You ask your friend:
(How long has your brother been in Australia?)
5. Tim always wears the same jacket. It’s a very old jacket. You ask him:
(How long have you had that jacket?)
6. You are talking to a friend about Alan. Alan now works at the airport. You ask your friend:
(How long has Alan worked at the airport?) или How long has Alan been working at the airport
7. A friend of yours is having driving lessons. You ask him:
(How long have you been having driving lessons?)
8. You meet somebody on a train. She tells you that she lives in Glasgow. You ask her:
(Have you always lived in Glasgow?)