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В двух текстах найти глаголы в пассивном залоге и в Present Simple
-Constitution of the Russian Federation-
The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the supreme normative legal act, holding the highest juridical power, superiority, and direct action on the Russian territory. All laws and other legal acts adopted in Russia must comply with the Constitution.
The Russian Federation enacted the Constitution on 12 December 1993. The RussianConstitution is the basis of the Russian constitutional law and the most important source of domestic law. The Constitution provides for the separation of executive, legislative and judicial power. The legislature is structured as a parliament. The main legislative body, the Federal Assembly, is composed of two chambers. The Constitution deals with such matters as the national territory, the President, the Legislature, the Executive, the Judiciary and the fundamental rights contained in Chapter 2 of the Constitution.
The President states separate to the executive power. The President is the guarantee of the Constitution and possesses some executive, legislative and judicial powers.
The Government is responsible before the President and is headed by a Head of the Government, who is nominated by the President and confirmed by the State Duma.
The Russian Constitution is a rigid Constitution as to the complex procedure of adopting the amendment to the Constitution. The Constitution cannot be altered by the State Duma alone. The Constitutioncan only be amended under the procedure stipulated in Chapter 9 of the Constitution.
-Constitution of the USA-
The American Constitutionis based on the doctrine of the separation of powers between the executive, legislature and judiciary. The respective government institutions – The Presidency, Congress and the Courts – were given limited and specific powers; and a series of checks and balances, whereby each branch of government has certain authority over the others, were also included to make sure these powers were not abused. Government power was further limited by means of a dual system of government, in which the federal government was only given the powers and responsibilities to deal with problems facing the nation as a whole (foreign affairs, trade, control of the army and navy, etc). The remaining responsibilities and duties of governmentwere reserved to the individual state governments.
Article V allowed for amendments to be made to the Constitution. The Constitutionfinally ratified by all thirteen states in 1791 already contained ten amendments, collectively known as the Bill of Rights, to protect the citizen against possible tyranny by the federal government. So far only twenty-six amendments have been made to the Constitution.
The President now proposes a full legislative programme to Congress, although the President, the Cabinet and staff are not, and cannot be, members of Congress. This means that the various bills must be introduced into Congress by their members. The President is consequently completely powerless when faced by an uncooperative Congress. Given also the difficulties in ensuring that the laws passed are effectively implemented by the federal bureaucracy, it has been said that President’s only real power is the power to persuade.

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25.08.2022 04:34

(...) И в то время устроил Соломон большой пир своим людям. Тогда предстали пред царем две женщины-блудницы, и сказала одна женщина: «Я в беде, господин мой. Я и эта подруга моя — мы живем в одном доме, в котором обе и родились. У меня родился сын. А на третий день после того, как я родила, и эта женщина родила сына; живем же мы только вдвоем, и никого нет с нами в нашем доме. Этой ночью сын этой женщины умер, потому что она заспала его. И вот, встав среди ночи, она взяла с моей руки моего мальчика и положила его спать на свое ложе, а своего умершего мальчика положила ко мне. Я встала утром покормить младенца и нашла его мертвым. Тут я и разобралась, что это не мой сын, которого я родила». А другая женщина сказала: «Нет, мой сын живой, а это твой умер». И спорили они перед царем.

И сказал им царь: «Значит, ты говоришь так: «Это мой сын живой, а ее мертвый»,— а она говорит: «Нет, мой живой, а твой умер». И сказал царь слугам: «Разрубите этого живого мальчика пополам и отдайте половину его этой, а половину той. И мертвого тоже, разрубив, дайте половину его этой, а половину той».

И ответила женщина, сын которой был жив, ибо в смятение пришла душа ее из-за сына ее, и сказала: «Пусть я буду в беде, господин мой. Отдайте ей этого мальчика, не умерщвляйте его». А другая женщина сказала: «Пусть не будет ни мне, ни ей! Разрубите его надвое». Царь в ответ сказал: «Отдайте ребенка живым женщине, сказавшей: «Отдайте ей, а не умерщвляйте его». Отдайте его ей, ибо она — его мать».

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31.07.2022 04:07


Child labor is the attraction of children to work on a regular basis. Currently, in most countries, child labor is considered a form of exploitation and is recognized as illegal. In the past, child labor was widespread, but after the emergence and acceptance of the concepts of occupational safety and children's rights, the scope of child labor has gradually decreased. Among the types of child labor that exist in civilized countries, one can note work in show business (cinema, theater, stage). Children are often involved in various types of criminal activity.The international Labour organization (ILO) estimates that about 250 million children between the ages of 5 and 14 are forced to work in developing countries alone. Of these, 153 million live in Asia, 80 million in Africa, and 17 million in Latin America. "Many of them work in conditions that are dangerous for their physical, spiritual and emotional development"[7].

In many countries, including Russia, the employment of minors (persons under the age of 14) is prohibited. In Russia, the law allows you to work independently from the age of 16, but you can work from the age of 15 if you finish 9 classes of secondary school (basic General education) and from the age of 14 to engage in business activities with the consent of parents and guardianship authorities. In these cases, a minor employee may be recognized as fully capable by a decision of the guardianship and guardianship authority.

On may 16, 2015, Newsweek reported the deaths of 28 children in Nigeria due to lead poisoning while working in illegal gold mines.In almost all countries of the world throughout history, the children of peasants, slaves, and later artisans helped their parents. Most likely, able-bodied children helped in primitive societies. In medieval Europe, children were taught by free artisans, and then by guilds, to help them.

Child labor in factories and mines was common in many industrialized countries of Europe and America in the 19th century.

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