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11.04.2021 02:17 •  Английский язык

Відповіль Interview your classmates about their future jobs. Use the questions below. Work in pairs. • Have they already made decisions? • Do they realise what they particularly enjoy about their jobs? • Do they know what they should learn and be good at in order to be successful in their jobs?​

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14.06.2022 07:31

Если это из Гарри Потера то вот вам ответ


Outward appearance

In the books, Hermione is described as having "bushy brown hair"and brown eyes. Her front buck teeth, already very large, grow uncontrollably in Goblet of Fire after she is affected by a spell cast by Draco Malfoy. Madam Pomfrey attends to her in the hospital wing and, at her request, shrinks the teeth down to a normal size that matches her mouth. In the films, her hair is less bushy and she always has regular teeth.

There is controversy over whether Hermione's skin color was ever categorically established in the books. Some take as proof a line from Prisoner of Azkaban: "Hermione's white face was sticking out from behind a tree." They interpret this to be a direct description of her skin color. Others interpret it as a description relative to her usual complexion, arising due to fright and anxiety as she watches Harry Potter's attempt to save the hippogriff Buckbeak from execution. J.K. Rowling herself states that Hermione "turned white" in that she "lost colour from her face after a shock."

Conversely, another description from early in Prisoner of Azkaban can also be cited: "They were there, both of them, sitting outside Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour, Ron looking incredibly freckly, Hermione very brown, both waving frantically at him."Some claim that this is a direct description of her skin color, while others claim that it's a relative description of the results of a tan acquired over the summer break.


Hermione's most prominent features include her prodigious intellect and cleverness. She is levelheaded, book-smart, and always very logical. Throughout the series, Hermione uses the skills of a librarian and teacher to gather the information necessary to defeat Voldemort, the "Dark Lord". When in doubt, it is to the school library that Hermione always turns to. She is often bossy yet unfailingly dutiful and loyal to her friends—a person who can always be counted on. J.K. Rowling stated that Hermione is a person that, "never strays off the path; she always keeps her attention focused on the job that must be done." Despite Hermione's intelligence and bossy attitude, Rowling says that Hermione has "quite a lot of vulnerability in her personality," as well as a "sense of insecurity underneath," feels, "utterly inadequate... and to compensate, she tries and strives to be the best at everything at school, projecting a confidence that irritates people." During her Defence Against the Dark Arts exam at the end of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Hermione reveals that her biggest fear is failure after a Boggart takes the form of Professor McGonagall and tells her that she has failed all her exams.

Hermione is extremely compassionate and is very quick to help others, especially those who are defenceless, such as Neville Longbottom, first-years, House-Elves, fellow Muggle-borns, half-giants like Hagrid, and werewolves like Lupin. It was revealed by J.K. Rowling after the publication of the final book that Hermione's career in the Ministry was to fight for the rights of the oppressed and disenfranchised (such as House-elves or Muggle-borns). Hermione is also very protective of her friends and values them so much that Rowling has suggested that, if Hermione had looked in the Mirror of Erised, she would have seen Harry, Ron, and herself "alive and unscathed, and Voldemort finished." Hermione has also learned to ignore what bullies such as Draco Malfoy say to her, often preventing Harry and Ron from retaliating and thinking of some way to outsmart him. She accepts her status as a Muggle-born witch, and states in Deathly Hallows that she is "a Mudblood and proud of it"

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20.02.2023 14:49

Welcome to my favourite city Samarkand!

1. Today Samarkand is one of the oldest and most important cities in Asia, the third largest city in Uzbekistan.  Сегодня Самарканд - один из старейших и важнейших городов Азии, третий по величине город Узбекистана.

2. More than half a million people live in the city of Samarkand.  В городе Самарканде проживает более полумиллиона человек.

3. It is famous for its ancient culture and architecture, as well as eventful history.  Он славится своей древней культурой и архитектурой, а также богатой историей.

4. In 1925-1930 it was the capital of Uzbekistan, before being replaced by Tashkent in 1930.  В 1925-1930 годах он был столицей Узбекистана, прежде чем был заменен Ташкентом в 1930 году.

5. The city has carefully preserved the traditions of ancient crafts: embroidery, gold embroidery, silk weaving, engraving on copper, ceramics, carving and painting on wood.  В городе бережно сохранились традиции старинных ремесел: вышивка, золотое шитье, шелкоткачество, гравировка на меди, керамика, резьба и роспись по дереву.

6. Thousands of tourists visit Samarkand to see its various sights every year.  Тысячи туристов ежегодно посещают Самарканд, чтобы увидеть его различные достопримечательности.

7. Modern Samarkand is divided into two parts: the old city, and the new city which developed during the days of the Russian Empire and Soviet Union.  Современный Самарканд делится на две части: cтарый город и новый город, который развивался во времена Российской Империи и Советского Союза.

8. The old city includes historical monuments, shops and old private houses, while the new city includes administrative buildings along with cultural centres and educational institutions.  Старый город включает в себя исторические памятники, магазины и старые частные дома, а новый город включает в себя административные здания, а также культурные центры и образовательные учреждения.

9. The state and official language in Samarkand, as in all Uzbekistan, is the Uzbek language, which is one of the Turkic languages. As in the rest of Uzbekistan, the Russian language is de facto the second official language in Samarkand.  Государственным и официальным языком в Самарканде, как и во всем Узбекистане, является узбекский язык, который относится к группе тюркских языков. Как и в остальной части Узбекистана, русский язык де-факто является вторым государственным языком в Самарканде.

10. In Samarkand you can enjoy a tasty Uzbek cuisine.  В Самарканде можно отведать вкусные блюда узбекской кухни.

11. People in the city are friendly and hospitable. Люди в городе дружелюбные и гостеприимные.

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