Установите соответствие тем A-G текстам 1-6. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каэсдуо букву только один раз. В задании одна тема
Nuwun susi. TEST 01 (part 1)
1. In just a few years mobile phones have become a common sight everywhere. Walk past any
cafe and you will see people chatting on their phones or sending text messages. However, some
people are concerned that the signals these phones send out may be bad for our health. They
worry that holding a mobile close to your head might have an effect on your brain. So, it may be
a good idea to use your ordinary phone when you can.
2. We learn a lot by reading, but what if you can't see the words on the page? Many blind people
can read braille. Braille is a system of writing using raised dots on the page that you can feel
with your fingers. A Frenchman called Louis Braille invented it in 1821, when he was just 12
years old. His system makes life easier for many thousands of blind people all over the world.
3. When we talk to someone, only a small part of our meaning is in what we say. Some people
say that as little as 7% of our message is contained in our words. We use our hands to express
ourselves and we use our faces to show that we are listening or to show how we feel. Our faces
and our hands can also show things that we might want to hide, like the fact that we are lying, fo
4. People can now use the Internet and e-mail to communicate with each other cheaply an
this wasn't nossible. In those days in Britain, some peop
This character was created by Jerry Siegel, the famous writer and creator of the comic books, and artist Joe Shuster, a specialist in the field of comic books too. Superman has superhuman strength, speed, endurance, as well as a number of other super-powers such as flight, heat vision, ice breath, and others. He is invulnerable and immortal. His allies are Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and others.
80 слов. 80 words.
Супермен - это супер-герой, который борется за добро и мир во всем мире. Этого персонажа придумали писатель Джерри Сигел, знаменитый сценарист и создатель комиксов, и художник Джо Шустер, тоже специалист в сфере комиксов.Супермен имеет сверхчеловеческую силу, скорость и выносливасть, а также ряд других супер такие как полет, тепловое зрение, ледяное дыхание и др. Он неуязвим, а также бессмертен. Его союзники это: Бэтмен, Чудо-женщина, Зелёный фонарь и другие.
Original history tells, that Superman bore on a planet Krypton and at birth Excrement-ell got the name. Yet he was sent a baby on Earth by the father-scientist by Джор-елом for a few minutes to elimination of Krypton. Family of the Kansas farmer found him and sheltered. Earthly parents gave to the child the name Clarke Кент. As early as early age superhuman capabilities that he decided to apply for the good to humanity showed up for a boy.
Оригінальна історія розповідає, що Супермен з'явився на світ на планеті Криптон і при народженні отримав ім'я Кал-Ел. Ще немовлям він був відправлений на Землю своїм батьком-вченим Джор-Елом за кілька хвилин до знищення Криптону. Його знайшла і прихистила родина канзаського фермера. Земні батьки дали дитині ім'я Кларк Кент. Ще в ранньому віці у хлопчика проявилися надлюдські здібності, які він вирішив застосовувати на благо людству.