Упражнение 29. Вставыте артикли a/an, the uли -. What (1) beach? beautiful day today! Why don't we go to (2) - Yes, but (3) at (4) beach is always being crowded! Let's stay garden. We can have (6) home and sit in (5) lunch there. But I want to go out. I start (7) this is (8) Well, let's go out tonight. There's (9) (10) - О. К. but (12) (13) That's true. We may go to (14) watch (15) Oh, no. That's boring. I want to go to (16) -All right. work tomorrow and last day of my holiday. good film on at theatre. cinema, or we can go to (11) theatre's too expensive. It's about $15 seat. cinema then or we can television at home. cinema.
Fill in the gaps while listening.
The audio:
More about saiga
Saigas live in a very large herds that usually can be found in steppes and possibly open
, eating various plants, including some poisonous to other animals. They can cover long distances and
across rivers, but they avoid hills or mountains. The saigas become extinct nowadays due to various reasons including people activity. Nowadays saigas can only be found in Kazakhstan, Kalmykia and Mongolia.
ответы в решотках
1. Has he got a car? 2. Have they got a house? 3. Has she got children? 4. Have you got brothers? 5. Has he got a new job? 6. Has she got a lot of friends? 7. Have they got a camera? 8. Have you got fish soup for dinner today?
1. I haven’t got a family. 2. She hasn′t got children. 3. He hasn′t got a car. 4. They haven′t got a house. 5. You haven′t got French books. 6. I haven’t got a brother. 7. My friend hasn′t got relatives in Moscow. 8. She hasn′t got friends.