Беларуская мова
Українська мова
Русский язык
Қазақ тiлi
Окружающий мир
Немецкий язык
Другие предметы
Французский язык
Английский язык
Українська література

Упр. 2. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную
видовременную форму (Present Indefinite or Present Continuous). Предложения
1. The professor (speak) five foreign languages. 2. Now he (speak) Dutch. 3.
I usually (drive) to my work. 4. Be careful! You (drive) too fast. 5. You (eat) fruit
every day? 6. What's the name of the fruit you (eat) with such pleasure? 7. She
(not understand) what the teacher (explain) now. 8. I generally (feel) well in
winter but right now I (feel) miserable. 9. Paul (hate) it when it (rain) outdoors. 10.
The concert (take) place on Saturday. 11. It's a national holiday today. The bank
(work)? 12. Nelly, why you (hurry) so much? – My plane (leave) at 7 o'clock.

Упр. 3. Переведите следующие предложения. Объясните употребление
настоящего времени вместо будущего.
1. If the weather is fine they will be able to spend a lot of time in the village.
2. If you go by train it will take you about twenty hours. 3. If he leaves for
Moscow in the morning he'll be here by tomorrow afternoon. 4. I will read your

article as soon as I have time. 5. He wil1 answer their letter at once if they write
to him. 6. I'l1 begin to study a foreign language when they take me to their office.
7. As soon as I finish my work I'll leave the city. 8. If we have time we shall go to
the theatre tonight. 9. If we don't hurry, we'll be late for this meeting. 10. The
students will ask their teacher's advice when they meet at the seminar. 11. If you
see George tomorrow, tell him I want to have a word with him. 12. What will he
do, if he doesn't get their answer? 13. We will go skiing tomorrow unless it rains.
14. They won't return in time unless they hurry. 15. He will finish the work before
we return. 16. He will work at a foreign company after he graduates. 17. I will
give you this video cassette if you return it next week. 18. I am sure they will
understand their task after you describe the situation again.

Упр. 4. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную
видовременную форму (Future Indefinite or Present Indefinite). Предложения
а) 1. If you (not be) at home by six, I (eat) without you. 2. If Mother (not go)
to the market early, she (not get) fresh fish. 3. If nothing (go wrong), they (deliver)
the furniture today. 4. I (take) an umbrella in case it (rain). 5. If the situation (get)
worse, I (lose) my job.
b) 1. He (become) an architect after he (graduate) from the University. 2. I
(have) to stop my daughter before she (get) into trouble. 3. The information
(study) carefully as soon as it (deliver). 4. The weather certainly (change) for the
better after the rain (stop) and the sky (clear up).
с) 1. The secretary (want) to know if the new head (make) any changes.
2. Tell me if you (finish) your book in summer and when exactly you (do) it.
3. People standing on the bus stop (wonder) if it (stop) raining soon. 4. Nobody
(know) if he (keep) his promise. 5. It's interesting if he (be) late again. 6. Tell
me the exact time when they (come).
d) 1. Nobody knows if something (change) radically after he (make) his
decision. 2. Tell us if you (come back) when she (need) your help. 3. Marina (ask)
if she (get) the job as soon as she (learn) the language. 4. We (not know) yet if we
(get) our visas, but as soon as they (give) we (see) London. 5. I (take) all the files
with me in case my boss (need) them. 6. I wonder if the plane (come) on time if
the weather (change) for the worse.

Упр. 5. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную
видовременную форму (Past Indefinite or Past Continuous). Предложения
1. I (sit) on the bench for half an hour and then (begin) reading a book. 2. –
You (see) him this morning? – Yes. He (stand) in the hall laughing. 3. The
businessman (fly) to England yesterday. 4. We (walk) in silence for 5 minutes,
then he (speak). 5. He (not like) to play while others (work). 6. Sorry, what you
(say)? I (not listen). 7. Why you (make) so many mistakes in the last test? – I
(think) about my boyfriend. 8. When the taxi (arrive) I still (pack) my things.
9. When the telephone (ring) I (wash up) and (ask) Mary to answer the call. 10.
What Father (do) while Mother (wash up)? 11. Ann (look for) her cat in the
garden at about that time. 12. They (leave) the house when we (arrive). 13. He
(invite) me to the theatre and I (accept) the invitation with pleasure. 14. When I
(come) to the theatre my friend already (wait) for me.

Показать ответ
02.09.2022 00:02
1. Shall I see you before you start?
2. What will he do when he comes home?
3. Where will they go if the weather is fine?
4. He will ring me up when he returns home.
5. If it rains, we shall stay at home.
6. She will walk home if it is not too cold.
7. I am sure he will come to say good-bye to us before he leaves St. Petersburg.
8. Please turn off the light when you leave the room.
9. If we are tired, we shall stop at a small village half-way to Moscow and have a short rest and a meal there.
10. If you miss the 10.30 train, there is another at 10.35.
11. She will make all the arrangements about it before she flys there.
12. Before he starts for London, he will spend a day or two at a rest-home not far from here.
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04.06.2022 08:51
Davy told Gordon that the book mark had fallen out of his book. 
Gordon thanked Davy.
Davy asked Gordon what he was reading. 
Gordon answered it was a ripping modern novel and added that the novel wasn't easy reading
Davy said that he had read that novel lately. 
Gordon asked if Davy enjoyed it. 
Gordon said he had read it deep into the night. 
Davy asked Gordon how he got that novel and added that it was a great success. 
Gordon said he hadn't bought it. He said Paul had given it to him. 
Davy told Gordon that he was lucky and added that the book was worth reading. Davy also said he was ready to read it over and over again. 
Gordon said that the plot was very interesting and the characters were well drawn.
Davy agreed.
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