Unit 8 people at work
most people have jobs. some people are lucky
they have very interesting jobs or they earn a lot
of money most people are not so lucky either
their jobs are not very interesting, or they don't
car a lot of money
the most interesting jobs are often the most
difficult people take a long time to learn how to
do them. doctors study for at least six years after
i shin school airline pilots study for longe.
they have to learn to fly a small aircraft first, and
then dowly move up to bigger and bigger birchall.
most airline pilots are at least 30 years old
some young people have interesting and well
paid job. many u stal athletes are you
football and tennis stars are usually under 35.
older people cannot play these games very well.
they cannot move fast enough. golf, however, is
a od same for older people. many successful
golfers are quite old
most people work until they are 60 or 65 years
old. then they retire and have a lot of spare
these some people never retire though. these
people usually have very interesting jobs
writers, artists, musicians and actors usually
work until they die. their work is their life.
2. answer these questions in sentences
a. what do most people have? most people have jobs,
b. why are some people lucky? 7be
2 20
c. how long do doctors have to study? le school
d. how old are most football and tennis stars?
e. what is a good game for older people?
3. copy the true sentence about 4. read the sentences. answer
the passage
question at the end
a. most people are lucky and have michelle is a nurse, brian is a bu
interesting jobs.
luke is a teacher and amy is a
b. most people earn a lot of
michelle earns $200 a week.
brian earns half what michelle
c. people have a lot of spare time luke earns $50 a week more th
when they retire.
amy earns twice what luke es
how much does amy earn?
5. complete the description of natalie. fill each gap with a su
make sure you use the correct form.
give short answers to these questions
da most people have jobs? yes, they do.
a most people earn a lot of money? volher doesh
e most airline pilots at least 30 years old ' veathe do dildo
a lot of successful athletes young! ves they
writers, artists, musicians and actors usually retire? m .
natalie is a doctor. she
six years at university. she
a lot of money, natalie
in a
hospital in the city. she is very successful
because she
very hard.
natalie is lucky because she
her job. she does not want to
Holidayresort- курорт
To get a suntan- загорать
To go on excursions- ходить на экскурсии
To visit museums- посещать музеи
To go sightseeing- осматривать достопримечательности
To line on the beach- лежать на пляже
To hire a car- брать машину на прокат
To go to a disco- ходить на дискотеку
To go to a night club- ходить в ночной клуб
To play pool- играть в бильярд
To go to the zoo- ходить в зоопарк
To go to the park- ходить в парк
To go to the circus- ходить в цирк
To go to a concert- ходить на концерт
To go to the ballet- ходить на балет
To play bingo- играть в лото
To go jogging- бегать трусцой
To hike- путешествовать пешком
To paint- рисовать красками
To do gardening- заниматься садоводством
To swim in the pool- плавать в бассейне
To knit- вязать
To play musical instruments- играть на музыкальных инструментах
Leisure/spare time- свободное время
To collect stamps/coins- коллекционировать марки, монеты
To sew- шить
To embroider- вышивать
To buy some souvenirs- покупать сувениры