Unit 1. In and Out of School TEST 2. MUST / HAVE TO / MUSTN'T / NEEDN'T Grammar 1 2 3 4 B 1. Mark the correct variant to complete the sentence. A must B mustn't 1 Pupils ... use their mobile phones during the lessons. 2 This football match is not free. You ... buy a ticket. 3 You ... touch the things in the museum. 4 1 ... study hard to become a programmer. 2. Mark the correct variant to complete the sentence. A mustn't B needn't C must D can 1 You ... eat lunch in the school canteen. Some pupils prefer to go home for lunch. 2 Dora ... walk and she's only ten months old. 234 3 You ... cross the street when the light is red. B 4 Pupils and teachers ... be polite to each other. 3. Mark the correct question. 1 A Do you must get home before ten? B Must you must get home before ten? C Must you get home before ten? D You must get home before ten? 2 A Must you hurry up to catch the bus, mustn't you? B You have to hurry up to catch the bus, mustn't you? C You must hurry up to catch the bus, must you? D You must hurry up to catch the bus, mustn't you?
1. Am I right that the greengrocer deals with fruit and vegetables?—Yes, but to be more exact, they sell vegetables; andsome fruit we go to the fruiterer's that usually has a good assortment of different kinds of fruit. - I see. Could I buy oranges there?—I think they should be sale now, they are in season. Yes, I remember having seen them in the window while passing at the shop this morning. 2.I couldn't even imagine it would be so difficult to buy a very simple frock summer wear. I dropped in the shop almost every day, I looked on dresses at the rails and could not decide anything, though I can't say I'm very particular about my clothes. The dresses seemed either to be in fashion or too bright for me. Sometimes they didn't have my size at stock.I tried several dresses, though I hale those fitting-rooms—you feel so helpless and miserable there! But I looked like a scarecrow in them. They were either too loose or too tight in hips or on the waist, and needed a lot of taking or letting into I got almost desperate. I couldn't, afford to have a simple dress to every day wear made in measure! And only yesterday I was lucky on long last. When I went in they had just got a new delivery of summer frocks. They had frocks of different shades to choose . I immediately saw a cotton frock at greyish-blue, he colour that is fashion and rather matches to my complexion. Without hesitating I asked the shop-girl to write a bill, rushed to the cash-desk, had my frock wrapped in and ran to home to see how it looked on me. Fortunately it fits me perfectly and they say it suits to me. And it's a bargain that price. I paid only about six roubles of it.
Це'. Вищезгадано ученому, що бере скляний слайд і поміщає це під мікроскопом,' - знаменита бацила холери.' Молодий чоловік заглянув в мікроскоп. 'Маленькі шматки гвоздики,' він бурмотав, 'і все ж вони змогли знищити місто. - тези, небезпечні зараз?' 'Ні, не дуже небезпечний. Але ось - жива річ.' Учений підняв пробірку. 'Це розлита в пляшки холера.' Швидше нервовий молодий чоловік подивився на пробірку із задоволенням. Він знаходився в хаті ученого, що час після обіду з рекомендаційним листом від старого друга. Учений пояснив жахливі ефекти холери і додав, 'Але це дуже безпечно тут, ви знаєте, дуже безпечний.' Коли він повернувся, його відвідувач дивиться на його годинник. 'Я повинен йти,' говорив він. Учений показав йому поза хатою але коли він добрався назад до лабораторії, він несподівано мав дійсно страшну думку. 'О ні!' він плакав і пускався вдогонку за молодим чоловіком. 'Він з'їхав повністю з глузду!' говорила Minnie. 'Це - ця жахлива наука
2.I couldn't even imagine it would be so difficult to buy a very simple frock summer wear. I dropped in the shop almost every day, I looked on dresses at the rails and could not decide anything, though I can't say I'm very particular about my clothes. The dresses seemed either to be in fashion or too bright for me. Sometimes they didn't have my size at stock.I tried several dresses, though I hale those fitting-rooms—you feel so helpless and miserable there! But I looked like a scarecrow in them. They were either too loose or too tight in hips or on the waist, and needed a lot of taking or letting into I got almost desperate. I couldn't, afford to have a simple dress to every day wear made in measure! And only yesterday I was lucky on long last. When I went in they had just got a new delivery of summer frocks. They had frocks of different shades to choose . I immediately saw a cotton frock at greyish-blue, he colour that is fashion and rather matches to my complexion. Without hesitating I asked the shop-girl to write a bill, rushed to the cash-desk, had my frock wrapped in and ran to home to see how it looked on me. Fortunately it fits me perfectly and they say it suits to me. And it's a bargain that price. I paid only about six roubles of it.
Молодий чоловік заглянув в мікроскоп. 'Маленькі шматки гвоздики,' він бурмотав, 'і все ж вони змогли знищити місто. - тези, небезпечні зараз?'
'Ні, не дуже небезпечний. Але ось - жива річ.' Учений підняв пробірку. 'Це розлита в пляшки холера.'
Швидше нервовий молодий чоловік подивився на пробірку із задоволенням. Він знаходився в хаті ученого, що час після обіду з рекомендаційним листом від старого друга. Учений пояснив жахливі ефекти холери і додав, 'Але це дуже безпечно тут, ви знаєте, дуже безпечний.'
Коли він повернувся, його відвідувач дивиться на його годинник. 'Я повинен йти,' говорив він.
Учений показав йому поза хатою але коли він добрався назад до лабораторії, він несподівано мав дійсно страшну думку. 'О ні!' він плакав і пускався вдогонку за молодим чоловіком.
'Він з'їхав повністю з глузду!' говорила Minnie. 'Це - ця жахлива наука