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Underline the most suitable modal verb form in each sentence. 1 The average temperature on Earth can increase/may increase/must increase by as
much as 7°C by the end of the 21st century.
2 Governments cannot assume /could not assume /might not assume that the laws
they make will always be enforced.
3 The crisis must have been/should have been/could have been much worse, but
fortunately the authorities acted in time. .
4 Their slogan was 'Things should only get/can only get/must only get better'.
5 We're running out of time, I'm afraid. It can he/must he/should he nearly three
o'clock by now.
6 You won't have to wait for long. There should he/must he/may he another bus along
in about fifteen minutes, with any luck.
7 You could try looldng for the book in that secondhand shop. They might have/
must have/ought to have a copy, I suppose.
8 The burglars can't have got in/must have got in/might have got in through the
window. It's still locked.
9 Hello! You ought to he/must he/could be Diane Black. Pleased to meet you.
10 There's no point waiting here any longer. We could as well/should as well/might as
well go home.

Choose the answer (A, B or C) that best explains the meaning of each sentence.
1 They can't have realized what would happen in that case.
A Perhaps they didn't realize.
B We can be sure they didn't realize. J
C They were not allowed to realize.
2 There can't be two stations with exactly the same name!
A I suppose it's possible.
B I'm certain there are.
C I'm sure there aren't.
3 New technology might provide a solution to these problems.
A I'm sure it will.
B I suppose it's possible.
C It's important to do this.
4 You could have ended up in serious difficulties.
A You didn't do this.
B You did this.
C You wanted to do this.
5 Somebody must know the truth about this matter.
A It's important to do this.
B I suppose it's possible.
C I'm sure this is true.
Someone might have started the fire deliberately.
A I suppose it's possible.
B Luckily it didn't happen.
C We know this is true.

Показать ответ
19.10.2020 18:11
1 She went to Italy last year. - Она ездила в Италию в году.
2 I have been to Germany. - Я побывал в Германии.
3 He has known her for two years.- Он знает её 2 года.
4 They slept in the small room.- Они спали в маленькой комнате.
5 Granny has made a nice cake for my birthday.- Бабушка состряпала красивый торт к моему дню рождения.
6 We met our friends on the way home.- Мы встретили друзей по дороге домой.
7 They swam in the sea almost every day.- Они плавали в море почти каждый день.
8 We have won the contest.- Мы выиграли в конкурсе.
9 I am fond of drawing.- Я люблю рисовать.
10. They prefer taking pictures themselves.- Они предпочитают фотографировать сами.
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31.01.2022 00:08

Until recently the planet was a large world in which human activities and the nature were in balance. The people lived in harmony with nature and didn`t pollute it.

But nowadays, environmental problems are the most burning for the modern society. The air we breath, the water we drink, the ground where we grow our food, and even the increasing noise we hear every day, that`s all contribute to health problems and a lower quality of life. People cut down trees, destroy the habitats of thousands of animals and contaminate water in rivers and seas. The increasing numberof cars in towns and cities has led to the growth of the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Also, you know, that many rare animals and plants are disappearing, so I think it`s our duty to care and save animals. The problems are so serious nowadays, that they should be solved without delay.

I guess, I`m a big fan of nature and the great outdoors lover. So I`ve entered to our city environmental group, which helps to be our city more cleaner and beautiful. We must care, where we live, because we can change the world and we can make it better! If the Earth is green, it`s a healthy planet, and I want to make it green. As for me a green Earth means that water, air and soil are clean. People breath fresh air and I hope our future generations will do it too.

So,let`s leave in peace with our environment!


Только недавно планета была большим миром, в котором человеческая деятельность и природное состояние были в балансе. Люди жили в гармонии с природой и не загрязняли ее.

Но в наше время, экологические проблемы стали наиболее острыми для современного общества. Воздух, которым мы дышим, воду, которую мы пьем, земля, где мы выращиваем нашу пищу, и даже возрастающий шум, который мы слышем каждый день, все это проблемам со здоровьем и снижению качества жизни. Люди вырубают деревья, разрушают места обитания тысяч животных и загрязняют воду в реках и морях. Возрастающее количество автомобилей в городах увеличения уровня углекислого газа в атмосфере. Также, вы знаете, что много редких животных и растений исчезло, поэтому я думаю, что это наша обязанность заботиться и беречь животных. Проблемы так серьезны в наши дни, что они должны быть решены безотлагательно.

Я думаю, что я большой фанат природы и большой любитель быть на открытом воздухе. И я вступила в нашу городскую группу окружающей среды, которая быть нашему городу больше чище и красивее. Мы должны заботиться о месте, где мы живем, потому что мы можем изменить мир и сделать его лучше! Если Земля-зеленая, то это - здоровая планета, и я хочу сделать ее зеленой. Что касается меня, зеленая Земля означает, что вода, воздух и земля - чистые. Люди дышат свежим воздухом, и я надеюсь наши будущее поколения будут делать это тоже.

Итак, давайте жить в мире с нашей окружающей средой! 

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