Optimism - a look at life from a positive point of view, confidence in a better future. Optimism holds that the world is great, in any situation there is, everything will turn out well, all the people in general horoshie.Izvestnym contrasting example of optimism and pessimism is the human judgment of a glass filled with water or other liquid exactly half. It is believed that the optimist believes that this glass is half full, as opposed to the pessimist, who believes that the glass is half pust.Yavlyaetsya opposite pessimism.
1. Nobody is allowed to leave the room without the inspector's permission.
Никому не позволено покидать комнату без разрешения инспектора.
2. The next morning they set forward on their journey all together. Cледующим утром они отправились дальше в свое путешествие все вместе
3. The plane will arrive in time, I am sure.
Самолёт прибудет вовремя, я в этом уверен.
4 They were going on a tour round some Europian countries. Они собирались в турне по нескольким Европейским странам.
5 They liked their guide at first sight. Гид им понравился с первого взгляда.
6 I think everyone knows Big Ben, a famous landmark in London. Я думаю, все слышали про Биг Бен, известную достопримечательность в Лондоне.
Optimism - a look at life from a positive point of view, confidence in a better future. Optimism holds that the world is great, in any situation there is, everything will turn out well, all the people in general horoshie.Izvestnym contrasting example of optimism and pessimism is the human judgment of a glass filled with water or other liquid exactly half. It is believed that the optimist believes that this glass is half full, as opposed to the pessimist, who believes that the glass is half pust.Yavlyaetsya opposite pessimism.